Tuesday, December 3, 2013

day forty-seven...let go and let God


Not sure if you guys know this, but I have an etsy store where I design and sell typology art. Well, as of yesterday, I have officially made my first sale!

I was so excited! I have had my store on esty for a couple of months and nothing has happened. I soon forgot about it and then I receive my first order the customer orders not one but three prints! What's my point in all this? Well...

You know when people say that if you stress and obsess over something, it is never going to happen...but when you forget about it and are focused on the Lord is when something happens. Have you ever heard that? Well, you just did...by me. It is so true! When we become obsessed with our situation (in my case with the program Take Shape For Life), we are not going to go anywhere. Let go and let God. When we are able to let go and stop analyzing every little thing and allow God to worry about it, is when we will have victory.

I used to obsess over every little calorie, which only led me to binge eating and a food addiction. But once I started this program and let go of all my old "ways" I found success and balance. Food does not get to have priority in my life and thoughts...God does. I am so thankful I have finally let go of my flesh and allowed God to take the reigns. I highly encourage you to do the same.

Let go and let God.

Today was a good breakfast day. I had one of those shakes that just had the perfect consistency...the perfect amount of water and ice. Plus, how can you go wrong with a dark chocolate shake for breakfast? Feels like a sin...I mean, c'mon, I am having chocolate for breakfast.

Morning Snack
It was getting chilly over here in the offices at work today, so a piping hot calorie burn cappuccino was exactly what I needed. Warmed me up in no time. And being delicious helps too.

It's funny how much I don't really care for non-Medifast food anymore. I look forward more to the Medifast meals more than I do the lean and green...unless I have some time and am able to get creative. ;) But today, time was not on my side so I had to make a quick salad topped with a veggie burger and shredded parmesan cheese and light Italian dressing. Not a fun recipe, but still really good though.

I caved again this afternoon and drank a cup of coffee. I don't know what it is! I just love having a cup of coffee in the afternoon...my Starbucks Verisimo machine doesn't help either. Instant coffee with a push of a button...really?

Afternoon Snack
About an hour after my coffee, it was time to eat my snack. I had some chili nacho puffs and a ton of water. These puffs are so good but spicy (to me)! So I will eat a few and then drink some water a little after to relieve the hint of spice on my tongue.

When I got home from work, I took out our nativity scene and set it up in our living room. Christmas decorating isn't complete without a nativity scene. I mean, Jesus is the reason for this season, so He must be present in the home. :)

Confession. I had a cookie dough shake for dinner. Don't you worry...it was Medifast approved. What I did was take a chocolate chip soft bake and I blended it with some crushed ice and water. Sooo good! The chocolate chips stayed pretty chunky, so every once in a while I would sip up a couple. You must try this soon.

I was at church when dessert time came around, but I was prepared! I took the bar out of the package and cut it into small pieces so it would be easy to pick up and eat without being a distraction to others around me. I took the picture before I hacked it up though. It's an oatmeal raisin crunch bar.

That's all for today. But remember...let go and let God. It is only then that you will be able to move forward. And just know I will be praying for you. Sure, I don't know everyone who reads this blog, but the Lord does and that's all that matters. He hears and He will answer.


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