Thursday, December 12, 2013

chocolate chip doughnut holes

Before starting the Take Shape for Life Program, I loved to eat a lot. And the ones with the sprinkles on top were my absolute favorite. So...after playing around with some ingredients to make that perfect (or close to perfect) Medifast doughnut, I finally created a recipe worth sharing.

*Note: I used a Bella cake pop maker to make the doughnut holes. You can buy one right now at Target for only $16 or you can scoop the batter onto a cookie sheet and bake at 350 degrees for about 5-8 minutes or until the tops are lightly browned.

Step One
Gather your ingredients. You will need:

1 Medifast Pancake Mix (1 Medifast Meal)
1/4 tsp. pumpkin pie spice (1/2 condiment)
1/8 tsp. baking powder (1/4 condiment)
1/4 tsp. vanilla extract (1/4 condiment)
1/4 tsp. pumpkin capella drops (optional)
2 tbsp water (not pictured)

Step Two
Place all the ingredients into a small bowl and mix well.

Step Three
Fill the cake pop wells until the batter is just below the top. I poured too much in some of them and they poured over, so be careful.

Step Four
Bake for about 5 minutes and then turn off the machine and let it stand for about 1 minute. Then pop open the cover and take out your delicious doughnut holes. Mine stuck a little, but came out once they cooled more.

Step Five
Dip into sugar free syrup or Medifast syrup or eat them plain (like I did) and enjoy!


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