Wednesday, February 19, 2014

I Have Moved!

Confessions of a Foodaholic has been changed to Pretty in Pink Peonies!

You can continue following me at

Hope you have a fabulous day!


Thursday, February 13, 2014

new website launch!!!!

Today is the day!!! First of all, Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Secondly, my new website is officially launched and ready to go! Check it out! I will no longer be posting to this blog anymore...but rather everything will be all bundled together in one website.

Hope you like it!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

controversy and encouragement

Quite a title, I know...but few nights ago I was watching the season finale of the Biggest Loser, the winner, a 24-year old girl, lost over half her body weight!

Here is a before, during, and after picture...

Now, there was a ton of controversy with her losing too much or she lost it due to extreme measures, but she denied these claims revealing that her big secret was just eating healthy, controlled portions and working out...and of course, dedication.

At first, I was shocked at her transformation thinking to myself that she was too thin, but after adjusting my eyes to her new look, I then saw how great she looked from what she was before. And yes, she did lose a lot of weight in a short period of time, but she was constantly looked after by a medical physician. I applaud you, Rachel.

This is actually really encouraging to me. She is only two years older than me and she made a huge change in her busy life. This is so cliche, I know...but I just think that, hey...if Rachel can do it, so can I!

Despite the controversy, I am encouraged. Even in her "during" photo...she still made such progress with eating right and exercising. It's as simple as that, my friends. So get up off the couch...put down your computer or phone and go for a walk! And if you are really feeling it, maybe jog a bit. ;)


PS...I am launching my website tomorrow!!! Get excited!! AND it's Valentine's day tomorrow, so get EXTRA excited!!!

Monday, February 10, 2014

trail mix

So true, right!? We like all the happy parts and blessings, but what about the bad and condemning parts? God's word is God's word and we are to read it all and apply all of it to our lives.

Sure, God destroyed the earth with a flood, but why did He do it? Because man was wicked! Learn from those dark times in the Bible so we don't make those same mistakes.

If you have an issue that needs working out in your life, don't hesitate to do so. Today is the day. Now is the time. Make it right.


PS...My new website is launching on Friday! Make sure to check it out. :)

Friday, February 7, 2014

singing, dancing, and praising the Lord

Today was a weigh in day!!! When I woke up, this is what I was doing...singing. dancing, praising the Lord! ...and this was before the weigh-in! I was ready. I didn't care what the number said on the scale. I knew that I worked it hard every day this week with my workouts (toning and running)...I ate all that I should. Overall, it was a good work week.

Now, I did gain from my eating escapades last week, I did gain. I weighed myself on Monday nigh just to see the damage, and it was bad. But, this morning, I lost about 4 pounds just from Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday! That is huge! Four pounds in three days? I will take it!

So my weight as of this morning is 144.6. Not only do I feel good about that number, I feel even better about sticking to an entire week of working out (hard I may add) and eating right. Please keep me in prayer over the weekend and that I continue to stay on track. :)

And remember, to praise the Lord at all times of the day for everything!
