Thursday, December 12, 2013

day fifty-six...movin' about

The photo above fully demonstrates how I felt today.

Why? well, today I moved offices. Yep...moved from one office to another...and I share that office with my mom. At first I thought, Oh no, I am going to be spending all day in the same room as my mom? This is going to end bad. But you know what? After we got situated, I actually enjoyed being in the same room as her. It was nice talking with her and I think that rather than drive us apart, this is going to drive us closer together. Love you mom and can't wait to see what happens. :)

Waking up this morning, I knew it was going to be a tough and long day, so I made a dark chocolate shake and made my way to work.

Morning Snack
All morning I was walking back and forth moving my stuff into my new space and then helping my mom get settled into her desk space. It was a crazy busy, but I still made some time to make a calorie burn cappuccino. It was a perfect stress reliever and was exactly what I needed at the moment.

Despite all the craziness going on (we weren't the only ones being moved today), my mom and I managed to escape for a quick lunch break. I made my usual pizza burger and Parmesan cheese salad with a drizzle of light Italian dressing. Simple and delish!

Afternoon Snack
After lunch things started to calm down and I was able to take a much needed deep breath and get my desk organized. While doing so, I ate some cheese pizza bites.

Despite feeling kinda sick, I knew I still needed to run. So, I went on my normal run and then before I got back home, I decided (for some crazy reason) to go around another block. It only took me about 33 minutes to go 2.73 miles. Not bad, I guess. I will only get stronger from here. :)

I felt a little better by the time I got back, but about 20 minutes later I hit a wall...hard. I felt really sick. So I made a mud pie milkshake (recipe soon) and laid down and relaxed as I sipped it.

Still not feeling better, I manged to eat a chocolate crunch bar with a bunch of water to wash it down and called it a night. Well, I wrote this post and then called it a night. Don't you just love my Christmas tree PJ's? I do...I mean, I only get to where them once a year. ;)

Well, goodnight! I pray your Friday is the best one yet! Keep a lookout's not only a weigh in day, but it's also a updated picture and measurements day! :D


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