
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

I Have Moved!

Confessions of a Foodaholic has been changed to Pretty in Pink Peonies!

You can continue following me at

Hope you have a fabulous day!


Thursday, February 13, 2014

new website launch!!!!

Today is the day!!! First of all, Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Secondly, my new website is officially launched and ready to go! Check it out! I will no longer be posting to this blog anymore...but rather everything will be all bundled together in one website.

Hope you like it!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

controversy and encouragement

Quite a title, I know...but few nights ago I was watching the season finale of the Biggest Loser, the winner, a 24-year old girl, lost over half her body weight!

Here is a before, during, and after picture...

Now, there was a ton of controversy with her losing too much or she lost it due to extreme measures, but she denied these claims revealing that her big secret was just eating healthy, controlled portions and working out...and of course, dedication.

At first, I was shocked at her transformation thinking to myself that she was too thin, but after adjusting my eyes to her new look, I then saw how great she looked from what she was before. And yes, she did lose a lot of weight in a short period of time, but she was constantly looked after by a medical physician. I applaud you, Rachel.

This is actually really encouraging to me. She is only two years older than me and she made a huge change in her busy life. This is so cliche, I know...but I just think that, hey...if Rachel can do it, so can I!

Despite the controversy, I am encouraged. Even in her "during" photo...she still made such progress with eating right and exercising. It's as simple as that, my friends. So get up off the couch...put down your computer or phone and go for a walk! And if you are really feeling it, maybe jog a bit. ;)


PS...I am launching my website tomorrow!!! Get excited!! AND it's Valentine's day tomorrow, so get EXTRA excited!!!

Monday, February 10, 2014

trail mix

So true, right!? We like all the happy parts and blessings, but what about the bad and condemning parts? God's word is God's word and we are to read it all and apply all of it to our lives.

Sure, God destroyed the earth with a flood, but why did He do it? Because man was wicked! Learn from those dark times in the Bible so we don't make those same mistakes.

If you have an issue that needs working out in your life, don't hesitate to do so. Today is the day. Now is the time. Make it right.


PS...My new website is launching on Friday! Make sure to check it out. :)

Friday, February 7, 2014

singing, dancing, and praising the Lord

Today was a weigh in day!!! When I woke up, this is what I was doing...singing. dancing, praising the Lord! ...and this was before the weigh-in! I was ready. I didn't care what the number said on the scale. I knew that I worked it hard every day this week with my workouts (toning and running)...I ate all that I should. Overall, it was a good work week.

Now, I did gain from my eating escapades last week, I did gain. I weighed myself on Monday nigh just to see the damage, and it was bad. But, this morning, I lost about 4 pounds just from Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday! That is huge! Four pounds in three days? I will take it!

So my weight as of this morning is 144.6. Not only do I feel good about that number, I feel even better about sticking to an entire week of working out (hard I may add) and eating right. Please keep me in prayer over the weekend and that I continue to stay on track. :)

And remember, to praise the Lord at all times of the day for everything!


Thursday, February 6, 2014

fear and faith

Wanted to keep it short and sweet today. Think about all your fears and allow your faith to overcome those fears. Give your fears up to God and He will take care of the rest. :)


Wednesday, February 5, 2014

what do you want most?

I had to remember this quote this morning as I wanted so badly to hit the snooze button and go back to bed rather than wake up and workout. Thankfully, I thought about what I want in the future rather than wanting to sleep in the moment and worked out.

It's not easy! It is truly a struggle to get up and get moving. But with the Lord's help, I was able to do it. In case some of you are wondering, here is my weekly workout schedule...

Monday, Wednesday, Friday: I do the Bridalicious Bootcamp DVDs (yes, funny name, I know, but it sure makes you sore the next day.)

Tuesday, Thursday: I do my 2.15 mile run/jog

So overall, I am working out 5 times a week. That is a lot for me, but I am really determined to keep going and get toned for my sister's wedding.

Fight that urge to sleep in or watch TV instead of working out. Release that inner lion and fight your flesh and for what you want.

Now, I did not take pictures, but in case you are wondering about my eats for the day, here they are in list form...

Breakfast: chocolate chip pancakes with sugar free syrup
Morning Snack: Chai Latte
Lunch: turkey burger, broccoli, light cheese
Afternoon Snack: mixed berry cereal crunch
Dinner: smore crunch bar
Dessert: peanut butter milkshake (pb soft serve blended with water and ice)

So there you ahve it! Remember what you really want for your future. Question your eating this going to get you where you want to be? If not, then don't do it. Simple as that.


PS...Don't forget! This blog is moving to an official website on Friday, February 14!!!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

second chances

So I wanted to share another devotional with you guys today. My health coach sent it to me this morning and I think you will all benefit from it as well.

Because I am not posting pictures of everything I eat, let me just assure you that I stayed 100% on plan today. By the grace of God, I am easing back quite well.

So without further is that devo. Really read and meditate on it. Open your heart to all that the Lord is trying to tell you.

A Second Chance

“For his merciful kindness is great toward us: and the truth of the LORD endureth for ever. Praise ye the LORD.” Psalm 117:2

God is good and He is a God of many chances. Not just one or two, but He gives us chance after chance in life to get it right, to say “yes” to Him, to obey Him, and to go all out in serving Him. In life, we sometimes hit rock bottom, reach our lowest, lose it all, face death’s door, but God in His great love and mercy, delivers us and gives us a second chance. How grateful we are. How loved we feel. We then spend every waking moment doing what matters to Him. It is those who receive a second chance in life that live most determined. They know what it feels like to be lost and now found. They know what it’s like to be sick and now healed. They know what it’s like to be in darkness and now flooded with the light of God’s word. They know what it’s like to be bound by the devil and now completely free. They are usually the ones that shout the hardest and praise the loudest. Don’t waste the second chance God has given you. Live the life you were born to live. Fulfill the purpose God created you to fulfill. He doesn’t stop death in its tracks for you to just sit down and do nothing. He doesn’t deliver you only for you to return to how you used to live in the past. Walk in newness of live and make the second chance He has given you mean something great.

Prayer: Father God, if it wasn’t for You, I wouldn’t be here. You have shown Yourself to be faithful to me and I am beyond thankful. Help me to make the most of the second chance You have given me. Help me to stay on the path You have laid before me and not go to the left or right, but continue on the straight path. Help me always remember what You have done for me and continue to give You the glory. Be glorified in me.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Monday, February 3, 2014

mortify the flesh

sunset on Friday night in Twin Peaks, California

Today is going to be a post of just me pouring out my heart to you all. But first, I have some confessions to tell you guys.

For the past two weeks or so, I have not been fully 100% on the plan. Sure, I still have good days, but there were times when I ate a not so lean and green meal or ate snacks that were not on plan.

But apart from feeling like I was in a rut food-wise, I felt this way in a spiritual sense as well. My walk with the Lord has just remained the same and I haven't been growing much. It has been like a routine in my life...I go to work, go to church, and go after day.

I knew what was happening in my life was not okay, but I still seemed to fall back and allow my flesh to overrule my spirit. With this in my mind and burden in my heart, I left on Friday morning to attend a camp with my college Bible study group asking the Lord to reveal Himself and show me what to do and how I can further my walk with Him.

And boy oh boy did God answer my prayers...He is faithful like that.

For starters someone mentioned a verse to me a couple months ago, and I never looked it up, just wrote it down on my phone. Well...on Friday night the Lord spoke to me, " remember that one verse? Go look it up..." Okay, Lord, I responded. This is the verse...

The Lord will guide you continually,
And satisfy your soul in drought,
And strengthen your bones;
You shall be like a watered garden,
And like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.
-Isaiah 58:11

This verse was such an answer to pray. And as the weekend went on, a friend of mine shared a verse with me (1 Timothy 4:12) and that very night, our pastor repeated that verse to all of us...I think the Lord was trying to tell me something. This kind of thing happened multiple times throughout the weekend. 

About half the group eating and having a beautiful time of fellowship and sharing what the Lord has been teaching them.

Then to top it all off, the devotion from Pastor Chuck's, Wisdom for Today Devotional this morning was all about mortifying our flesh. I was blown away and knew I just had to share it with you all...

So good, right? Such a great reminder to us all...whether our issue is with food and eating or watching is all our flesh. Kill that sin and feed your spirit. Get rid of those idols in your life and focus on the Lord. Trust me...He will do so much more good in your life than a doughnut ever can.
