
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

what do you want most?

I had to remember this quote this morning as I wanted so badly to hit the snooze button and go back to bed rather than wake up and workout. Thankfully, I thought about what I want in the future rather than wanting to sleep in the moment and worked out.

It's not easy! It is truly a struggle to get up and get moving. But with the Lord's help, I was able to do it. In case some of you are wondering, here is my weekly workout schedule...

Monday, Wednesday, Friday: I do the Bridalicious Bootcamp DVDs (yes, funny name, I know, but it sure makes you sore the next day.)

Tuesday, Thursday: I do my 2.15 mile run/jog

So overall, I am working out 5 times a week. That is a lot for me, but I am really determined to keep going and get toned for my sister's wedding.

Fight that urge to sleep in or watch TV instead of working out. Release that inner lion and fight your flesh and for what you want.

Now, I did not take pictures, but in case you are wondering about my eats for the day, here they are in list form...

Breakfast: chocolate chip pancakes with sugar free syrup
Morning Snack: Chai Latte
Lunch: turkey burger, broccoli, light cheese
Afternoon Snack: mixed berry cereal crunch
Dinner: smore crunch bar
Dessert: peanut butter milkshake (pb soft serve blended with water and ice)

So there you ahve it! Remember what you really want for your future. Question your eating this going to get you where you want to be? If not, then don't do it. Simple as that.


PS...Don't forget! This blog is moving to an official website on Friday, February 14!!!

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