
Friday, February 7, 2014

singing, dancing, and praising the Lord

Today was a weigh in day!!! When I woke up, this is what I was doing...singing. dancing, praising the Lord! ...and this was before the weigh-in! I was ready. I didn't care what the number said on the scale. I knew that I worked it hard every day this week with my workouts (toning and running)...I ate all that I should. Overall, it was a good work week.

Now, I did gain from my eating escapades last week, I did gain. I weighed myself on Monday nigh just to see the damage, and it was bad. But, this morning, I lost about 4 pounds just from Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday! That is huge! Four pounds in three days? I will take it!

So my weight as of this morning is 144.6. Not only do I feel good about that number, I feel even better about sticking to an entire week of working out (hard I may add) and eating right. Please keep me in prayer over the weekend and that I continue to stay on track. :)

And remember, to praise the Lord at all times of the day for everything!


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