
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

second chances

So I wanted to share another devotional with you guys today. My health coach sent it to me this morning and I think you will all benefit from it as well.

Because I am not posting pictures of everything I eat, let me just assure you that I stayed 100% on plan today. By the grace of God, I am easing back quite well.

So without further is that devo. Really read and meditate on it. Open your heart to all that the Lord is trying to tell you.

A Second Chance

“For his merciful kindness is great toward us: and the truth of the LORD endureth for ever. Praise ye the LORD.” Psalm 117:2

God is good and He is a God of many chances. Not just one or two, but He gives us chance after chance in life to get it right, to say “yes” to Him, to obey Him, and to go all out in serving Him. In life, we sometimes hit rock bottom, reach our lowest, lose it all, face death’s door, but God in His great love and mercy, delivers us and gives us a second chance. How grateful we are. How loved we feel. We then spend every waking moment doing what matters to Him. It is those who receive a second chance in life that live most determined. They know what it feels like to be lost and now found. They know what it’s like to be sick and now healed. They know what it’s like to be in darkness and now flooded with the light of God’s word. They know what it’s like to be bound by the devil and now completely free. They are usually the ones that shout the hardest and praise the loudest. Don’t waste the second chance God has given you. Live the life you were born to live. Fulfill the purpose God created you to fulfill. He doesn’t stop death in its tracks for you to just sit down and do nothing. He doesn’t deliver you only for you to return to how you used to live in the past. Walk in newness of live and make the second chance He has given you mean something great.

Prayer: Father God, if it wasn’t for You, I wouldn’t be here. You have shown Yourself to be faithful to me and I am beyond thankful. Help me to make the most of the second chance You have given me. Help me to stay on the path You have laid before me and not go to the left or right, but continue on the straight path. Help me always remember what You have done for me and continue to give You the glory. Be glorified in me.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


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