
Monday, February 3, 2014

mortify the flesh

sunset on Friday night in Twin Peaks, California

Today is going to be a post of just me pouring out my heart to you all. But first, I have some confessions to tell you guys.

For the past two weeks or so, I have not been fully 100% on the plan. Sure, I still have good days, but there were times when I ate a not so lean and green meal or ate snacks that were not on plan.

But apart from feeling like I was in a rut food-wise, I felt this way in a spiritual sense as well. My walk with the Lord has just remained the same and I haven't been growing much. It has been like a routine in my life...I go to work, go to church, and go after day.

I knew what was happening in my life was not okay, but I still seemed to fall back and allow my flesh to overrule my spirit. With this in my mind and burden in my heart, I left on Friday morning to attend a camp with my college Bible study group asking the Lord to reveal Himself and show me what to do and how I can further my walk with Him.

And boy oh boy did God answer my prayers...He is faithful like that.

For starters someone mentioned a verse to me a couple months ago, and I never looked it up, just wrote it down on my phone. Well...on Friday night the Lord spoke to me, " remember that one verse? Go look it up..." Okay, Lord, I responded. This is the verse...

The Lord will guide you continually,
And satisfy your soul in drought,
And strengthen your bones;
You shall be like a watered garden,
And like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.
-Isaiah 58:11

This verse was such an answer to pray. And as the weekend went on, a friend of mine shared a verse with me (1 Timothy 4:12) and that very night, our pastor repeated that verse to all of us...I think the Lord was trying to tell me something. This kind of thing happened multiple times throughout the weekend. 

About half the group eating and having a beautiful time of fellowship and sharing what the Lord has been teaching them.

Then to top it all off, the devotion from Pastor Chuck's, Wisdom for Today Devotional this morning was all about mortifying our flesh. I was blown away and knew I just had to share it with you all...

So good, right? Such a great reminder to us all...whether our issue is with food and eating or watching is all our flesh. Kill that sin and feed your spirit. Get rid of those idols in your life and focus on the Lord. Trust me...He will do so much more good in your life than a doughnut ever can.


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