Wednesday, January 29, 2014

12 week twenty-four

Yesterday was so much fun! My dad surprised me tickets to go see the LA Lakers take on the Indiana Pacers. Fun fact about me...I love to watch sports...especially basketball and baseball.

My dad and I left work early and grabbed some coffee before dinner. It is currently, DineLA week right now, so we were going to go to a restaurant participating in the event, but ended up just going to Wolfgang Puck. And confession...I went off my plan for dinner. I won't lie was pretty much the best burger I have ever had in my life. Seriously. But you know...usually I go all crazy and eat everything in sight since I already "broke my plan" but this time I didn't. I ate only half my dinner and was done. This is huge for me. I am changing. :)

So this morning I am back on plan and ready to attack the day! I made a dark chocolate shake and made my way to work. Don't you just love cloudy and gloomy mornings? I do!

Morning Snack
I was busy creating this morning, so time flew by! I made a chai latte for my morning snack while still working away. I learning that I love designing.

I made a turkey burger wrapped in lettuce for lunch today with broccoli on the side. Simple yet oh-so-delicious.

Afternoon Snack
For my snack this afternoon I had a bag of mixed berry cereal. I love this good!

I ate a quick strawberry crunch bar before dinner. I wasn't too hungry, so this was perfect.

After church I came home and made a peanut butter milkshake. I can have one of these every night and never get tired of them.

So there is my day in a nutshell! Friday is almost here!!!

Oh, and PS...the Lakers lost...but it was still a super fun game! :D


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