Thursday, January 30, 2014

12 week twenty-five

Fun and random post today!

So Tuesday was my very last orthodontist appointment! It has been a three year process dealing with braces and my retainer....but I am finally done! And just for fun, here is a before and after picture of my teeth. Look at my face and my neck too! I have changed in a good way since three years ago. :)

This just goes to show that if you stick with something, you will see results. You may not see them everyday, but overtime, you will notice those small changes.

I did my run early this morning, since I am going to be busy after work. I won't's really hard to get up and actually start running. It took me a while to wake up and stretch out, but about five minutes into the run (or really jog) I felt pretty good. It was quite cold this morning, so that helped to wake me up too. It's actually kind of fun running in the morning...makes you feel pretty energized for the rest of the day.

Nothing too exciting for breakfast this morning. Made a french vanilla shake and took it with me to work. Boring...I know.

Morning Snack
I just love calorie burn cappuccinos!!! I loved every sip this morning...totally hit the spot on this cold and gloomy morning...which I totally love! Finally having somewhat of a winter!

I enjoyed yesterday's lunch so much, I made it again! Had another turkey burger with cheese and broccoli on the side. Delish! I wish I could show you...but I was just so hungry I completely forgot to snap a pic.

Afternoon Snack
Had some cinnamon pretzel bites this afternoon...haven't had these in quite some time. I am glad I reordered them! These are pretty good!

For dinner I made a mud pie shake...or really just a chocolate chip cookie shake packet blended with some instant coffee, ice, and water. Ah-ma-zing. So amazing...that I forgot to take a picture...again.

To finish off the night, I ate a smores crunch bar. Perfect ending to quite a busy day.

I am off to a weekend camping trip with my college group from my church, so no blog posts until Monday. But I hope and pray you have a beautiful and blessed weekend. Remember, to keep your eyes on the Lord!


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