Thursday, January 23, 2014

12-week eighteen

I am simply meditating on this today. No specific's just a good reminder and one to remember.

For breakfast I made a mocha shake and added some instant coffee to up the flavor a bit.

Morning Snack
I was feeling a tad stomach sick around my snack time, so I slowly sipped on a chai latte...I think the warmth of it made my stomach feel better, but not 100% better. :(

Due to a busy evening, I did my run at lunch! It was okay...I prefer doing it at night, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

After I got back home and showered, I made a quick mocha cookie crunch shake. I used a chocolate chip soft bake packet and blended it with instant coffee, water, and ice.

Afternoon Snack
I was pretty hungry by the time my next meal time came around. So I had some honey mustard pretzel bites with a ton of water.

When I got home, I got ready to go to a Bible study and a lean and green meal while doing so. I was in such a rush, I didn't take a picture...but I had a some chicken and lettuce.

After I got home, I ate a strawberry crunch bar while writing this post. picture of this either.

And now I am off to bed! I am tiiiiired!


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