
Thursday, January 2, 2014

trust and blessings

I was reading Psalms chapter 2 this morning and came across a verse that said, "Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him" (Psalm 2:12d)

Don't you just love that? All we have to do is put our trust in the Lord—the all-knowing, all-powerful God—and He will in turn bless us. Seems like a win-win to me.

That is my prayer today and for this year...that I would have trust in the Lord and that in every situation I will turn to Him rather than the things of this world. Amen? Amen!

Back to normal today...meaning, I am back to my regular work schedule. I have had the majority of the last two weeks off from work and am actually really happy to be back on my daily routine. I am a big fan of structure...which is probably why I like this program so much. Anyways, for breakfast I made myself a french vanilla shake. I put a tad too much ice in it, so it was quite cold, but still delicious!

Morning Snack
This morning I ate a cookie dough chewy bar with a cup of coffee. I have mentioned it before, but the only way I can really eat these bars is by dipping it in some coffee...but it works for me!

For some reason I was hun-gry by the time lunch came around. But I soon quenched that hunger with a salad topped with a pizza burger, light cheese, and some light dressing. Simple yet delicious!

Afternoon Snack
I was once again pretty hungry once my afternoon snack came around, so I made myself a calorie burn cappuccino...this kept me quite full until dinner.

Went for a run after work today and never felt better. By the end of the first mile I was already getting tired, but I persevered through it and finished with flying colors!

Once I got back from my run, I ate some mixed berry cereal crunch along with a bottle of water.

To end the night I made a peanut butter milkshake and called it a night. I am so tired as I am writing this, so I am off to bed!

Remember..."Blessed are all those who put their trust in the Lord"!


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