
Friday, January 3, 2014

just look up

Today was a weigh in, I am still losing the weight I gained over the holidays...but I am still moving forward! I told you I gained 12 pounds and as of this morning I have lost 5 of those pounds bringing my weight to 145.8 pounds.

With that said, I saw this quote and knew it was a perfect fit for today's post. I need to look up...not behind at my mistakes, or the future. Looking up puts me in the proper perspective.

Made a mocha shake with about a teaspoon of instant coffee added to it.

Morning Snack
A couple hours later my stomach started to rumble and I made a chai latte. Totally hit the spot.

I am out of my normal salad ingredients, so I made an omelet which included egg beaters, cottage cheese, light cheese, spinach, and kale. It looks ugly, but tasted amazing!

Afternoon Snack
Lunch kept me quite full but I was still feeling a bit munchy and had some brown sugar and cinnamon cereal crunch.

For dinner I made a mock java chip frappuccino. Added some instant coffee to a chocolate chip cookie soft bake packet and blended it all together with water and crushed ice.

Took dessert with me on the go today. I just cut up a cinnamon roll crunch bar and ate it during church.

So...I kept today's post short and sweet because I didn't want to overshadow the profound quote. Think about it today and just look up!


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