
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

goals and sacrifices for 2014

I have decided not to make any resolutions this year, but rather make some goals. Now, some may argue that those are the same thing, but I disagree. So, I am making goals, not resolutions.

Goal #1
Read my Bible and have a devotional time with the Lord daily.

Goal #2
I would love to make a goal to workout at least five times a week. Any type of workout really, but I would like to focus on some toning workouts to firm up all the flab.

Goal #3
To complete the 12-week transformation plan through Take Shape For Life. I am really excited about this actually and can't wait to see what the end result will be. You can sign up as well by visiting this link...the prize is pretty great and a great incentive.

Goal #4
Hit my goal weight of 105 (or so) pounds by the end of the year.

Goal #5
To become more confident in everything I do...whether it be speaking in front of a large crowd or sharing my faith with others or just being confident in who I am.

Goal #6
Be the best maid of honor ever for my sister who is getting married in May.

This morning while eating a apple cinnamon mug muffin, my parents and I were doing a Bible together and the topic of sacrifice kept coming up and so we each prayed about what the Lord would have us sacrifice to Him this year. For me? It's a husband. I know it sounds superficial, but being married and starting a family consumes my thoughts at times. I must think about the Lord more than any other thing and a future life was clouding my thoughts for the Lord. So that is my sacrifice this year.

I just love that quote and really hope to apply it my life starting this very instant. So, Lord, I do pray that you would help me to become so lost in You and Your Word this year. Amen!

As I mentioned earlier, I ate an apple cinnamon oatmeal muffin while reading the Word with the parents.

Morning Snack
A little while later I made and drank a dark chocolate shake.

Going with my goal for this year, I worked out for about 30 minutes...all toning exercises. It was a quick and enjoyable workout. I look forward to how I will feel in a few weeks.

After my workout I took a quick shower and made myself a classic lunch: a chicken burger on a bed of lettuce topped with light mozzarella cheese and light Italian dressing.

Afternoon Snack
I went to see Saving Mr. Banks and ate my next snack during the middle of it...but I was prepared! I cut a smores crunch bar up and brought it with me. Perfect, quiet, and discreet snack. PS...the movie was amazing and I highly encourage you to go see it.

For dinner, I made a chai latte and relaxed for the remainder of the night.

To end day one of the new year, I made a brownie soft bake. Perfect ending to a lovely day.

Also, next Saturday, there is a Take Shape for Life event taking place at Vanguard University! More details to come!


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