
Saturday, January 4, 2014

pushing forward

Today was the first day I have felt totally back on plan. I had no cravings and was able to pass by candy and other goodies with ease. I thank the Lord! It feels great! I am packing to go and work at the Missions Conference in Murrieta, CA, so I am going to keep this post short. :)

Woke up around 9 this morning and watch the live streaming of the Take Shape For Life Conference going on in San Diego. Learned so much! While watching, I ate on a smores crunch bar along with some coffee.

Morning Snack
A little while later I made a french vanilla shake and drank that while cleaning the kitchen.

After cleaning I went to the store to stock up for some lean and green meals to bring with me. I had a gift card to Rubios from Christmas and it is right next to the store, so my parents and I went there to grab a bite to eat. I ended up opting for the steak chopped salad with no chips or dressing. So good and filling!

Afternoon Snack
I wasn't really hungry at this point but had the munchies, so of course I still ate. I sipped on a coffee milkshake...I also added some extra instant coffee to give it a little boost.

My stomach was growling by the time dinner rolled around so I ate some chili nacho cheese puffs while drinking a bunch of water.

I went to church tonight, so after I got home it was time to eat my last meal of the day. I know coffee tends to keep you up, but it was cold outside and I was craving a cappucino. So I made a calorie burn cappuccino and am now calling it a night.

I will keep you all updated this week as I am away from home. Pray for me! :)


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