
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

12-week sixteen

This quote explains my day to a T. I had some growing to do the moment I woke up.

I am still house-sitting, and as a result I have to drive on the freeway and past about 4 schools to get to work. Well, I was running late this morning and as a result I hit a ton more traffic than usual. The way people are so inconsiderate and cutting me off multiple times just really got to me. I arrived at work pretty upset and grumpy. But, I asked for prayer during our devotional time at work and I immediately started feeling better.  Praise the Lord because I hate being grumpy around people.

I ran out of ice, so I had to make my shake the old fashioned way with only water. It was cold water, so it wasn't all that bad. I made a dark chocolate shake and threw in some instant coffee...delicious!

Morning Snack
It was a pretty low key morning, so when my morning snack came around, I was pretty happy. I made a chai latte and sipped with pleasure. It was pretty chilly out this morning, so this warm drink hit the spot.

I had to stay at work during lunch because I am leaving early today, so I had a bag of nacho chili cheese puffs. There are so many in a bag! But I love them, so it's okay.

Afternoon Snack
I was out and about when my afternoon snack came around. I was actually trying on some bridesmaid dresses for my sisters wedding. So fun! But when I did get a chance, I snacked on a lemon meringue crunch bar.

After I was done trying on dresses, I stopped by Rubios and got a chopped salad with steak. I have a gift card so I figured, why not just get a salad while I am out? Plus, these are really good and are a perfect solution for when you are out and about and need to eat.

I finished off the day with a peanut butter milkshake. Same thing as yesterday, just used a peanut butter soft serve rather than a coffee one.

I am working on my new site and cannot wait to launch it! The new title is going to be "pretty in pink peonies". I will still be documenting my journey on the Take Shape for Life program but will also include some of my other interests, such as: cooking, baking, DIY projects, style, design, fitness, beauty, etc. It is going to be full of all kinds of things. I am excited and can't wait for you to join me on this journey! I am sure you will love it. But I will talk about it more soon.


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