
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

12-week seventeen

Do you have goals? Well, in today's Take Shape for Life Transformation email, it was all about setting goals. I really liked it and thought I would share it with you all...hope you like it as much as I do!

Your goals should be SMART:

Specific: Your goal should be specific and clear. For example, rather than setting a goal to lose weight or get healthy, specify the amount of weight you want to lose or what specific activity you’d like to be able to do. The more meaningful, the better.

Measurable: Make your goal easy to measure. For example, rather than saying you want to have more energy, say that you want to be able to walk 18 holes of golf carrying a bag without being short of breath.

Achievable: Set a reasonable goal. If you’re overwhelmed, you probably won’t stick with it. But if you know you can reach it, you’ll find yourself excited by your progress.

Realistic: Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. If you set a goal of never having dessert again, you’re likely to rebel. Instead, decide that just for now, while you’re getting down to your healthy weight, you’ll do without dessert. If you want to have dessert later on, you can do so without guilt or feelings of failure.

Time-Oriented: Set a time for accomplishing your goal. I suggest that you make a timeline of activities.

Cool, right?

Wanna hear my goals? Well, I tried on bridesmaid dresses yesterday and actually ended up ordering a size down because of my success so far in this program. So, my first goal is to fit into that size 6 dress by the end of May.

Second goal is to start working out! I have been so terrible at this and need to get up and get going. Plus, the dress is strapless and why not show off some toned arms. ;)

Write down your goals and put them up somewhere where you can see them everyday and be motivated!

I am finally back and home and this morning whipped up a french vanilla shake. Simple and delicious.

Morning Snack
As I mention every morning, I really like these hot drinks. This morning I had a calorie burn cappuccino.

For lean and green meal of the day, I had a turkey burger wrapped in lettuce with light cheese and also a side of broccoli. I think this is becoming my go to meal now...but I will always love salads.

Afternoon Snack
Had some brown sugar cereal crunch for my snack this afternoon along with some coffee...this is such a delightful pairing.

I made dinner for the family tonight and drove back to the house I am house sitting for. On the way I ate a smores crunch bar. Sort of felt like I just skipped dinner and went straight for dessert! And c'mon...who doesn't love dessert? Oh, and to be safe while driving I didn't take a picture of the crunch bar. ;)

After I got to the house, I whipped up a warm and gooey and divine brownie. If you have not tried must. They are the best. All warm and melty-like. Yum! picture of this either.

Big news!!! I have a launch date for my new website!!! Ready?! Okay...mark your calendars because I am launching the new site on Valentine's Day! I thought it would be so perfect and cute! So, on Friday, February 14, 2014 I am officially launching my website called "Pretty in Pink Peonies". Yay! I will share even more details soon!


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