
Monday, January 20, 2014

12-week fifteen

Boy oh boy, it was a busy weekend. My parents and I put together an engagement party for my sister and her fiance, Gabriel this past Saturday night. It was a ton of work, but so worth it. I loved putting together such a fun and cute party and am so thankful for my dad and his impressive cooking skills. We cooked for about 25 was a complete success!

Then yesterday, we attended a wedding in San Juan Capistrano for a sweet family friend. Here is a picture of me overlooking this gorgeous golf course in San Clemente. This is my I'm not quite ready for picture half-smile. ;D

I also took note of some good ideas to share with my sister! My mom and I are in full-on wedding planning mode. I loved this life-size version of jenga. It was not only entertaining to the people playing, but also entertaining for the people watching! She definitely needs to have this. There was also a game called toss across...the men seemed to love that one and all you really do is throw a bean bag across and try and to make it in a hole. So easy and simple but everyone loved it!

PS...the girl below actually got that piece out without the tower tumbling over! Mad skills right there!

Now, you are probably wondering if I stayed on plan this weekend and...yes...for the most part I did. I did have a few "off-plan" bites here and there, but nothing crazy. It was a fun and successful weekend overall. Praise the Lord!

Monday mornings are hard...especially after a busy just want to throw your alarm across the room and sleep in for a few more hours. Obviously  I did not do that, and I got up and made my self a french vanilla shake and headed off to work.

Morning Snack
I was all munchie-like (yes I made that phrase up) after my breakfast, so my morning snack could not come fast enough. Thankfully, it did come around pretty quickly. I made a calorie burn cappuccino and enjoyed every sip.

Lunch was a tad different for me...instead of having my lean and green meal, I had another one of my snacks. I had some things to do at lunchtime and I just didn't have enough time to eat a meal. So, I had some brown sugar cereal crunch cereal and munched on that for about a half hour or so. I just love these cereal meals!

Afternoon Snack
Next up was my very last chocolate chip cookie dough bar. At first I wasn't the biggest fan of these, but I slowly began to like them. Still don't really like them, but when I dip them in coffee, it tastes much better.

I finally had my lean and green meal today! And it was a good one. I had a salad with boca crumbles in it. Funny story...I bought this bag of boca meatless crumbles the last time I was housesitting and accidentally left them in the freezer. As I returned a few days ago, I found them! They were still in the freezer! Yay!

I ended this lovely Monday with a coffee milkshake. It was so perfect and much needed after a long day.

Well, that's all I have for today! But keep reading because I am going to be announcing my new website launch date! I will go into more detail about my new website soon, so be ready! :D


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