
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Meatless Meatball Casserole

I have another recipe for you all! Now, before I begin explaining how to make it, let me first say that you can substitute the meatless meatballs for any kind of meatball you like—it does not have to be vegetarian.

With that said, let's get started!

Step One: Gather your ingredients

What you will need:
1 1/2 cups of cauliflower
1/4 cup of marinara sauce
1/4 cup of light mozzarella cheese
6 meatballs
1 teaspoon of olive oil
pepper and other spices you may want to add

Step Two: Pour a teaspoon of olive oil in the cauliflower bag and cook in the microwave. While that is cooking, place the meatballs in an oven safe dish and being baking (follow the directions on the bag). I baked my frozen meatballs for 10 minutes.

Step Three: Puree the cauliflower using either a food processor or an immersion blender. I used the later and it worked like a charm. Oh! and before you blend, make sure to add some spices that you like. I just added pepper and garlic flakes.

Step Four: Once you have the cauliflower at a desired consistency, spread it evenly on the bottom of an oven safe dish.

Step Five: Once the meatballs have cooled, cut them in half.

Step Six: Place the halved meatballs evenly on top of the cauliflower puree.

Step Seven: Pour the marinara sauce evenly on top of the meatballs and sprinkle the cheese on top of that.

Step Eight: Put the dish under the broiler and bake it for about 4 minutes. Keep a close eye and make sure to switch sides so the cheese evenly melts. You want it to bubble and brown a bit.

Step Nine: Let it cool so you don't burn the top of your mouth and enjoy your delicious faux potato and meatball casserole!

Medifast Lean and Green Breakdown:
Lean: Trader Joe's Meatless Meatballs (6), 1/4 cup of light mozzarella cheese
Green: 1 1/2 cups of cauliflower, 1/4 cup of Trader Joe's marinara sauce
Healthy Fat: 1 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil

Lastly, I know it looks like a lot, but the dish I used was fairly shallow and small. But it will fill you up and keep you full for pretty much the rest of the day. :)



  1. Tried this tonight but with Trader Joes turkey meatballs...Oh sooooo good, but very very filling!

  2. How many servings is this recipe?
