
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

day twelve...take every thought captive

"...bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ" (2 Corinthians 10:5).
When you are having a tempting thought, immedietly take it captive and release it to the Lord. Trust me, He will get rid of it for you—but only if you are willing. I have found that singing a song of worship when a tempting thought comes into my mind helps me to switch my thoughts from sin to praise. Next time you are struggling, stop and pray. Sing a song. Begin reading the Bible. There are so many options. But it is up to you to make that step to stop and do what pleases the Lord.   

Breakfast: calorie burn cappuccino

Have I mentioned before how much I enjoy these? Well, I do...a lot. It not only wakes me up a bit but the taste is delicious and it keeps my stomach full all morning. I wasn't hungry whatsoever when it was time for morning snack.

Morning Snack: blueberry soft bake

Yes, I know this looks unappetizing, but it is quite the opposite. It was soft, chewy and and bursting with blueberries (which seem to hide within the soft bake). Perfect meal after a wonderfully hot cappuccino.

Lunch: chicken salad

Lunch was amazing. I sauteed some chopped chicken with a few pieces of purple onion and it turned out perfectly moist and packed full of flavor. So simple, yet so delicious.

Medifast Lean and Green Breakdown:
Lean: 6 ounces of chicken (breast)
Green: 2 3/4 cup of romaine lettuce, 2 tablespoons of purple onion
Healthy Fat: 2 tablespoons of light Italian dressing

Afternoon Snack: cheese pizza bites

This crunchy snack is so good! Highly recommend it to anyone looking for something to crunch on. My only suggestion is to have some water with you because they are kind of dry. ;)

Dinner: attempted pancake muffin turned into giant pancake

So I attempted to make a pancake muffin in a mug, but...I accidentally put twice the amount of water the recipe called for, therefore, it did not not at all. In my attempt to salvage my gooey mess, I decided to pour the half-cooked batter into a pan and fry it up like I would a normal pancake. It worked to an extent, but obviously it looks hideous. I almost didn't post this picture, but then I thought, hey, we all make mistakes...why not just post it. We can all learn from our mistakes. The next time I try and make a muffin out of pancake mix, I will think twice before I add the water.

Dessert: caramel crunch bar

I actually had to eat this in the middle of church tonight. I thought it would be okay because the bar is soft, but I was still had some crunch to it. I began eating very slowly so I would not annoy the people around me, but it still had a loud crunch at every bite. Oh well, you do what you gotta do.

Overall, today was a fantastic day. I was able to put my focus on the Lord when my mind began thinking fleshly thoughts. I thank the Lord that I made it through yet another day—to God be the glory!


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