
Monday, October 28, 2013

day eleven...the Father's warmth

the view from the middle of my street this morning

Have you ever had one of those mornings when you wake up and just want to stay in bed all day long? That was me this morning. My alarm went off and I immediately felt the chill overcome my body as I began to get out of my bed. I stood for a moment and hopped right back under my covers just so I could feel the warmth once more. I did not want to leave—I knew that as soon as I did, I would be cold and uncomfortable.

This is the way I should be with the Lord. He keeps me warm and happy as He wraps His arms around me. I never want to leave His presence, and I know that as soon as I do, my life will become stale, cold, and uncomfortable. Now, I can prolong this misery, or I can jump right back into His open arms as He begins to warm me up once again. God will always be there for me—whether I am walking with Him or if I have strayed. He is there. Arms open wide, just waiting for me to return.

Just think about that as you go about your day today. Stay in the Father's warmth.

Now, I totally spaced this morning and didn't get a picture of my breakfast or morning snack, but I became more diligent as the day went on. :)
But for the record, I had a mocha shake for breakfast and a peanut butter crunch bar for my morning snack. Both delicious!

Lunch: Meatless Meatball Salad

These meatless meatballs from Trader Joe's are amazing. You simply bake them for ten minutes and they come out crisp on the outside and soft on the inside. It paired very well with some romaine lettuce and Italian dressing.

Medifast Lean and Green Breakdown:
Lean: meatless meatballs
Green: romaine lettuce
Healthy Fat: Italian dressing

Afternoon Snack: BBQ Bites

These are still not my favorite, but I am eating them anyways because I did buy them—and no food will go to waste on this program. So I sucked it up and ate them. But hey, it kept me satisfied for the next couple hours.

As I got home from work, the chill began to creep through my thick sweater. And what better way to warm up after a rainy day than to eat hot and steamy comfort food. So I pulled out the perfect Medifast meal...mac and cheese.

Dinner: Macaroni and Cheese

Mac and cheese isn't that pretty to photograph, but I tried and will get better over time. But anyways, it tasted way better than it looked and it hit the spot. Dinner perfected.

And of course, I go in the complete opposite direction for dessert and make myself an icy cold peanut butter milkshake. I have to admit, these milkshakes are becoming one of my absolute favorite things to eat. It tricks my mind into thinking I am drinking a calorie filled milkshake, when in reality, it is just my Medifast soft serve blended with some water and ice. Love it!

Dessert: Peanut Butter Milkshake

Well, that is it for today! I am off to bed and ready to see what awaits me tomorrow.


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