
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

day thirteen...when cravings attack

The day I dreaded finally came...the day I crave food all day long. Even after I finished a Medifast meal or a lean and green meal, I felt like I needed to chew on something else. Thankfully, I had some sugar-free gum. I was able to quench those cravings with a prayer to the Lord while chewing on a stick of gum.

At one point I thought to myself, why am I really doing this program? I can eat a juicy burger right now. Why don't I? It took me a while to truthfully answer my own thought, but then I realized that this is a lifestyle change. Eating well and frequently is not just a 6 month plan, but it is my life from now on. I am sure in the future I can splurge every once in a while, but right now, I just can't. There is no need for a mental debate. I simply cannot have that food because I am changing my life for the better and this will only take me back three steps.

Before I put something in my mouth, I need to ask myself: Will this benefit me? Will this help me further my healthy lifestyle or pull me back into the depths of my past sin? It is either going to be one or the other, and I hope—with the Lord's help—that I choose to further benefit my health.

Oh, and I made it through the whole day without caving into my temptations and stuck to my Medifast case you were wondering. It makes me so happy to know I stood my ground and said no to those harmful foods—gives me hope for the future. :)


This mornings breakfast is one of my all-time favorites: a dark chocolate shake. You know what it reminds me of? A Starbucks Frappuccino. And I would be lying if I said I didn't miss those. But this is a great substitute. Maybe I will add a shot of espresso to it one day and make it a mocha "frappuccino".

Morning Snack

Two words: oatmeal cookies. These are so good! I am not a fan of the oatmeal by itself, but when you mix it with a little bit of baking soda and cinnamon and bake for about 15 minutes, they are delicious. Click here for the recipe.


I had my go-to lunch today. A simple salad with meatballs and light Italian dressing. Can't go wrong with this combo. Delish!

Afternoon Snack

This is when the trouble started. Well, it really began after I ate my salad for lunch. It wasn't that I was hungry, but I felt that I needed to chew on something. I was going a little crazy by the time my snack time came around. This is another reason why I love this plan so much...I get to eat every 2-3 hours. It's perfect! I usually do not like the Parmesan puffs, but they weren't all that bad. I think they were the ideal crunchy snack I needed at the moment, and satisfied my craving to chew something.


Dinner was my favorite meal of the day by far. I am pretty sure the s'mores bar is my favorite Medifast food option. I savor each bite. Love it! I will be so bummed if they ever discontinue it.


After dinner I went to church and was satisfied for the 2 hours I was there. However, I was definitly ready for something sweet when I got home. So I whipped up a mocha milkshake. It totally hit the spot. Perfect ending to a rough day.

Well there you have it, another day complete! I have almost completed 2 weeks already! Time has flown by...I feel like I just began this plan. And the best part is, is that I am not tired of the food whatsoever. I actually find myself looking forward to my next Medifast meal. I definitely prefer them over my lean and green meal. Go figure. :)

But before I leave you, let me tell you a funny story that happened tonight. After church, when I was making my milkshake, my parents and I caught our cat trying to sneak outside. We do let him outside at times, but he is mainly an indoor cat. But he sees what door my dad opens for him to get out and how he opens the door (via the handle). So we turn around and he is standing on his back legs trying to open the door with his paws! It was the cutest thing! Sadly he was unsuccessful (shocker), but it made for a good laugh. Here is a picture...

I hope you all have a blessed day!


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