
Thursday, October 31, 2013

day fourteen...tricks and treats

Okay, so there were no tricks today...only treats—healthy treats (for me at least). Now, in the past this time of year, I would eat every piece of chocolate I could find. And since my family usually bought the giant bag of mixed chocolate from Costco, I helped myself to countless chocolates. This year, however, no candy was bought for our house. Instead we went to my grandparents house and passed out candy there. It was perfect for me—I had no urge to eat the candy and I wasn't tempted after the night was over by all the leftovers. And the best part was, I didn't feel left out at all! God is good. :)

I started out the day with a chilly pineapple mango smoothie. For some reason I cannot get past this strange taste that this smoothie has, so I did not add it to my next Medifast order. It's not bad, it's just not my favorite. Oh, just fyi, since it is Halloween, I created all the pictures to have a cute Halloween theme.

Morning Snack
It's blueberry muffin time again! I wasn't too thrilled about these at first, but now I am liking them more and more. It's funny, because when I cook these at work, the kitchen ends up smelling like blueberries for a couple hours. Oops! Oh well, at least it's a good smell.

I also added a tad more water than I should have, and the muffin poured over the sides. But it all worked out...still tasted the same.

I am think I am having more fun than I should with the Halloween themed photos. :)

I couldn't wait to show you what I created for lunch! I made stuffed Jack O' Lantern Peppers! I basically chopped a pizza flavored burger (you can used ground turkey) and mixed it with cabbage and sauteed them together until the cabbage was soft. I then cut the top off of the pepper and scooped out the seeds and stuffed it with the cabbage mix. So good! Confession...I actually didn't eat the whole pepper, but ate enough so I could round out my green portion of the meal.

Medifast Lean and Green Breakdown:
lean: pizza burger
green: 1/2 cup of orange pepper, 1 cup of cabbage
healthy fat: 1 teaspoon of olive oil

Afternoon Snack
Lunch kept me quite full until my afternoon snack, which is a first. The portion size on the pretzels are smaller than the other Medifast meals, so it was perfect.

It was then time for dinner...and also the time for candy to be passed out...but...I had no desire to eat it! I mean, it was right in front of me in a giant bowl, and I was not tempted whatsoever! Instead I ate a cinnamon roll crunch bar. So much better than a tiny piece of chocolate...which, if I were to be honest, would have easily turned into ten pieces, if not more.

Take two with the pancake muffin...drumroll please...they came out delicious! Way better than the normal prepare method. I actually ended up cutting the two halves in half again, making 4 mini "biscuits". I also put one of them in the toaster for a bit, and oh my goodness, so stinkin' good! I will be making these again for sure.

So yeah, that was my day and my first Halloween not binging on candy! Woo-hoo! I am so ready for week three. Bring it!


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