
Friday, November 8, 2013

day twenty-two...week three weigh in

Isn't this little girl just the cutest! I will talk more about her in a sec...but first, today was a weigh in day!

My ultimate goal this week was to not only stay on the Medifast Program, but I wanted to lose 2 pounds. From here on out, my desire is to lose about 2 pounds a week. And since it doesn't even really feel like I am on a health program, losing 2 pounds a week would be amazing!

Well, this week I met my goal! In fact, I lost 2 pounds on the dot, bringing my new weight to 152.6 pounds...bringing my total weight loss to 13.6 pounds in only three weeks! I have to admit, I was so nervous stepping on the scale this morning. I had so much doubt going through my mind. But that can obviously be blamed on satan...he is crafty like that. But my doubt was washed away as soon as I saw that number on the scale. I immediately smiled and thanked the Lord. God is up in Heaven all like, You got this, Toni, just trust in Me. Duh! Why shouldn't I be trusting in the Lord alone...He is the only one who is going to get me through this week after week.

I usually like to treat myself (treat as in, eat my favorite Medifast foods) on Friday because of my victorious weigh-in, but I decided to just eat what I had the most of since my new shipment of Medifast arrives today. So I had the pineapple mango smoothie, which, as you know, is not my favorite. But it didn't taste all that bad today.

Morning Snack
I was ready for my morning snack around 10am. My stomach was growling! So I made myself an oatmeal muffin and also had a vanilla rooibos tea from Starbucks (no milk or sugar, just plain). This was one of the best snacks I have ever had! So good! And how can those red cups not put a smile on your face? It's a reminder that Thanksgiving is right around the corner and then Christmas!!! So excited!!!

Lunch was a normal one, nothing too special. I had to make it quick because I had to go shopping during my lunch hour to buy a bunch of food for a "girl's night in" party I am having tomorrow night. More about that tomorrow though. :) So in my hurried attempt at lunch, I heated up a pizza burger and thew it on top of a bed of romaine lettuce and topped it all off with some light Italian dressing.

Afternoon Snack
I feel like the period between lunch and my afternoon snack is the worst. I don't know why, but I just get so hungry! But I just drink a bunch of water and chew on a stick of gum until the time to eat again rolls around. Today, I had the parmesan cheese puffs. Once again, not my favorite, but they are growing on me each time I eat them.

For some reason the time between my afternoon snack and my dinner goes by so fast! I guess its the last hour of work and I am so busy, so time just flies. It's great! Before I knew it, it was time to eat again, so I had a cinnamon roll crunch bar.

I was planning on making a waffle using the pancake mix, but I decided to save that for Saturday and just whipped up a peanut butter milkshake instead. Glad I did, because it was divine! Totally ended my night on a sweet note.

Okay, so back to that adorable dog from the beginning of the post. Well, I am housesitting for the next 10 days or so and I also get to watch this cutie along with another little dog (I will snap a pic of her soon). These dogs are the best! However, as I am watching a house alone, accountability is a little scarce. In the past I would usually take this "alone" time and eat all my favorite foods and probably gain 5-10 pounds! But not this time! I have all my Medifast meals with me and am determined to stay on track and lose weight, not gain. I will still be blogging, so you guys can all be my accountability :) Until tomorrow!


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