
Thursday, November 7, 2013

day twenty-one...habits

So they say it takes three weeks to form a habit. And today marks my third week on the Medifast Program. Can you believe it has already been three weeks! Time has seriously flown by. Can I say I have formed a habit? Well, "yes, I have." What I eat now has become the norm for me. I don't really feel left out when everyone goes out to eat. I am content...and I think that is important. I am not even bored with the food. That is huge because in the past I would get bored with what I was eating and then end up breaking my diet.

All in all, I have formed a habit and can't wait to continue it. :)

It is getting chilly over here in the mornings! But that didn't stop me from having a dark chocolate shake. No it's not a Starbucks Venti Mocha Frappuccino...just a Medifast shake. ;)

Morning Snack
I attempted to make the oatmeal muffin in a bowl...and it worked! Turned out more like a thick pancake though...which is just as delicious!

Lunch was a simple one. Just cooked a pizza burger and topped it on top of lettuce and Italian dressing. So delicious!

Afternoon Snack
I ate my snack a bit late, but I think it was only about 15 minutes past my 3 hour mark. Not sure if it affects me that much, but still, I like to eat within the 2-3 hour time frame. There goes my striving for perfection again.

Dinner could not have come soon enough. The smores crunch bar hit the spot. I just love this bar and think it is a huge part of helping me keep on this program.

Last but certainly not least is dessert. I made a chocolate chip soft bake. I added a tad more water than the 2 tablespoons it called for and it turned about perfect! I am finally getting all these cooking times and preparations down.

Keeping it short and sweet today, but I pray your Friday is blessed!


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