
Sunday, November 10, 2013

day are not a dog!

I saw this and could not resist posting it. I am watching two dogs at the moment and they do get food treats for being good. But I am not a dog...I don't get food rewards.

So anyways, I cannot believe I just typed "day twenty-four" in the post title. Can you believe it has already been twenty-four days since I began the Medifast Program? I am loving it and have never felt better.

As you know I am housesitting alone for the next week. This situation can easily cause me to slip and fall back into my old patterns of eating or it can strenghten me. It is when you are alone that the waters are truly tested. Last night for example, I was making a cauliflower pizza for dinner and found myself popping in a few pieces of light mozzarella in my mouth while waiting for the crust to cook. Now, I could have punished myself for eating more than I should and go off on a binge, or move past it and adjust the rest of the meal so it still fits within the required lean and green guide. Thankfully, I chose the latter. It was an easy fix...I simply adjusted the cheese measurement for the top of the pizza. Easy peasy.

Next time you are alone, stop and pray, and trust in the Lord no matter the situation. He can and will get you through it.

It was a leisure morning for me. I cooked my friend, Kiera, some breakfast while I made and ate an oatmeal muffin.

Morning Snack
A couple hours after we ate breakfast, it was time for my morning snack. I totally spaced and didn't get a picture of it because I was eating it on my drive to church...probably better that I didn't snap photos while driving. I had a peanut butter crunch bar in case you were wondering.

I was planning on making a cauliflower pizza today, but I didn't have enough time to make it for lunch...I had to eat my next meal immediately. So instead I opted for the brown sugar cinnamon crunch cereal and decided to have the pizza for my afternoon snack.

Afternoon Snack
Okay, here it is...the cauliflower crust pizza! I used the recipe found here but made a few adjustments. I will post the recipe hopefully by the end of the week. It was so delicious...couldn't even taste the cauliflower. But I do have to say that this is a rare once in a while treat. I feel like there is a lot of cheese and eating that much once a week or something cannot be good for you. So let this be a once a month treat instead. It is definitely a great alternative to pizza keep that in mind the next time you want to order that extra-large 8 topping pizza. ;D

I was actually still quite full from the pizza, so I had a chocolate chip soft bake and drank a bunch of water with it.

To round out the day, I ended with a coffee milkshake. Love love love this drink! It is by far the best dessert you can make. I highly recommend it.

Well, that is all I have for today. Just remember that in those times when you are alone, you are going to be tested, so just be prepared, stay strong, and know that God is in control and there will always be a way out.

"No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it" (1 Corinthians 10:13).


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