
Monday, November 11, 2013

day twenty-five...a girl walks into a bakery

Oh the things you find on Pinterest...this one is a keeper and perfect for my post today...

So today I walked into a bakery. Not just any bakery...French's Bakery. A family owned and established bakery loaded with delicious baked goods. The moment I walked in, the smell just overwhelmed me. It was the first time in a few weeks that I truly felt weak.

Let me rewind...the reason I was even there in the first was because I had to purchase a cookie tray for work—this was all work-related and had nothing to do with pleasure or torturing myself.

Okay, so I walk in, smell all the goodness and purchase the cookie tray. While the girl is helping me checkout, I am standing there just looking at all the cookies, cupcakes, eclairs, croissants, and cakes...I feel like they are talking to me...just buy me, it won't deserve it. I should have turned away but I couldn't stop looking at all the different kinds of pastries they had. Thankfully, the girl finished the transaction and I was on my merry way out the door. No other purchases were made.

I will be was hard. I know I have been strong resisting temptation and it has been fairly easy, but today was not easy. Sweet treats are my all-time weakness. I am so thankful the Lord provided that exit door...that was my way out. I had to stop and think, is it really worth it? Nope, I am already sweet enough...I don't need that cupcake. ;)

I woke up around 6:45 this morning and got going on my day. Got ready, made my breakfast and headed out the door to get to work on time. I had some extra time on my hands, but I decided to make a quick mocha shake and just get on the road.

Morning Snack
My stomach was grumbling by the time my morning snack came around. I chugged some water and made an oatmeal muffin. For some reason, I have a bunch of the oatmeal packets left so I am trying to finish them off before I open my new boxes of food.

It was a good thing I ate my snack when I did because it was right after I finished eating that I was asked to go to the bakery. I am sure not having a growling stomach helped me resist that bakery temptation.

I had originally planned to have a salad for lunch, but as I was getting out the lettuce, I noticed there was cabbage as well. So I nixed the salad and went for a cabbage and pizza burger hash. Glad I did because it was delicious!

Afternoon Snack
I made it! The time quickly passed between lunch and my afternoon snack. I tell you, it is the hardest time waiting after lunch...I don't know why. But anyways, as soon as 3:15 rolled around I broke open a bag of bbq bites and started snacking.

After debating for a while on what to have for dinner I decided to just have a s'mores crunch bar. I was going to have mac and cheese, but I will save that for tomorrow.

Like the oatmeal, I have a few more soft serve packets left, so I decided to whip up a peanut butter milkshake using the peanut butter soft serve. This is such a perfect treat to have when lying in bed reading or watching a movie or something. Totally feels like you are sipping on a calorie-laden milkshake...when you in fact, are not.

So, another end to a great day. The Lord is good and I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!


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