
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

day need to heed in order to succeed

When the Word of God is telling you something, you better listen up and do it. Take heed to what the Lord is saying to you. Last night the Lord spoke to me greatly through Pastor Chuck's Wisdom for Today Devotional. It was all about Jesus taking the victory on the cross to defeat satan so that we can in turn have victory.

In case you can't read it, it says, " His [Jesus'] victory means we can know victory. Though Satan will never stop trying to tempt you away from God, you can stand against that temptation and know the glorious victory of Jesus Christ."

Then this morning I received an email from my Medifast health coach, Charlotte, and she sent me another little Word from the Lord and it was all about standing fast. There was that word again: stand. You think the Lord is trying to tell me something? I need to be ready to stand in any situation. Whether it is about the Word of God or even about my diet, we, must remain standing.

It is when you take heed to the Word and those helping you that you will succeed.

After waking up this morning and remembering all that the Lord spoke to me about the night before, I was ready to begin my day. For breakfast I had a delicious ice blended mocha shake. It was nothing special, I just took the Medifast mocha powder and blended it with one cup of water and one cup of ice. Simple perfection.

Next up for my morning snack, I ate some cinnamon pretzels. Still on the fence about this one, but I think I am beginning to like them more and more. My taste buds are finally adjusting to how the Medifast food tastes and how it is way better than "normal" processed junk food. Hopefully, one day I will just despise the taste of fast and fat food.

Doesn't that pretzel picture just look extra fall-like? I don't know...I think it does and I like it. Lunch was pretty boring and simple, but I like it. I have come to realize that cooking different and new recipes can oftentimes get me into trouble food wise. I tend to go all out and that will not help me when I am on this program. I think for right now I need to be repetitive and simple. So I stuck with my original ground turkey salad lunch. And for some reason, it smelled and tasted just like Taco Bell. I know, totally weird, right? But it was actually really tasty! And way better than Taco Bell...just sayin'.

Medifast Lean and Green Breakdown:
1 lean: 5 ounces of ground turkey
3 greens: 3 cups of romaine lettuce
1 healthy fat: 2 tablespoons of light Italian dressing

For my afternoon snack I decided to go and try the BBQ Bites once again. The verdict? Still not a fan. I don't know what it is about these, but they just don't taste that good to me. I may be crazy. But I still ate them, so I guess they aren't the worst thing ever. 

I had to rush dinner, unfortunately, so I could make it to church on time, but it was pretty good. I made the mac & cheese again and I think I made it right this time! Woohoo! For some reason, there were some tiny chunks in it last time because I didn't stir enough. But this time, I stirred like crazy and enjoyed a nice hot bowl of creamy, chunk-free mac and cheese.

After church, I came home and had my dessert. I have said this before, but I just love all of the bars. Tonight I had the cinnamon roll bar again and enjoyed every bite. When I have to order more meals for next month, you better be sure I will be buying more bars (and shakes).

So there you have it! Day six, complete! I cannot believe I have almost hit a week! Keep posted because I am going to share a little secret with you all tomorrow or on Friday. :)


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