
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

day five...occupied versus fried

Hello! Wow, what a day it has been! I mean, I have been crazy busy at work, but that is actually a blessing in disguise. Being busy is way better than being idle. I will talk more about that later on.

But let's just get right into what I ate because nothing too exciting happened to me today. After waking up I began drinking my dark chocolate antioxidant shake within an hour. This is one of my favorite meals! It tastes almost identical to chocolate milk. And c'mon, no matter how old you are, everyone likes chocolate milk. And if you don't like chocolate, well...I don't know...that's just kinda weird.

Before I knew it, it was time for my morning snack. I drank a "calorie burn cappuccino". This was my last Medifast meal I haven't tried yet, and so I thought, why not? Well, I am glad I did, because this was delicious!!! I didn't realize how much I missed coffee until I drank this! And it totally hit the spot! I will most definitely be buying this is the future (and you should too).

Oh, and I like a lot, so just get used to them in my photos. :) Also, that cappuccino was crazy filling because I was still pretty full when lunch came around. But I planned a delicious lunch so I was excited to eat again. I made a chicken burger topped with light Trader Joe's Mozzarella cheese, and added a side of green bean "fries" to it. SO AMAZINGLY GOOD! Just saying...

Doesn't that just look good? I thought so too, so I even took another picture for you. You're welcome.

YUM! Yeah, this is going to be made at least once a week—count on it. Next time I will post a step by step recipe with pictures. And for those of you following the Medifast plan, here is the lean and green breakdown:

1 lean: 5 ounces of chicken + 1 ounce of light mozzarella cheese
3 greens: 1 cup of green beans (2) + 1 cup of romaine lettuce (1)
healthy fat: 1 teaspoon of olive oil

Lunch held me over until my afternoon snack (unlike yesterday when I felt like I had to eat something). I picked the Parmesan cheese puffs again. They weren't as bad as I remembered. Maybe I am just getting used to the meals now and the way they taste. Plus, they actually lasted me a good half an hour. I was sitting at my desk just popping them in here and there.

Today was such a busy day. I didn't even know it was time to eat...again! But as my post title mentions, when you are occupied you won't be thinking about fried foods or any other food for that matter. So when you find yourself bored and with nothing to do, go outside and take a walk, listen to a Bible Study, or music, or pray! Get your mind off the things of your flesh and onto the things of the Spirit. It is when you have idle hands that your flesh begins to creep in and want what you ought not to have.

So next I ate a smores crunch bar. I love this bar. I think it is my favorite bar and maybe even my favorite Medifast meal. Crazy, I know. But it's true. I would definitely buy this one. And yes, my smores bar is resting up against the Eiffel Tower.

Once again, I was busy away working on my blog and before I knew it,  two hours had passed by and it was time to eat. For my last meal of the day, I chose to have the brown sugar cereal crunch. This is another one of my favorite Medifast meals. I love to eat them one by one—dry—there is no milk needed.

So there you have it. Day five. Completed with full victory.


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