
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

12-week two

So today's 12-week transformation challenge was all about recording what you eat and how much exercise you are doing throughout the day.

Well, as you know, I already record everything I eat, so that is one check down. However, I am slacking this week on exercise being out of town and my normal day to day routine. But when I do workout, I will always record it and let you know. I am doing quite a bit of walking around here though, so that is definitely burning calories.

Same old today for breakfast...just a dark chocolate shake with some ice in it.

Morning Snack
I was hit with the munchies immediately after drinking my shake, but thankfully there was a session, so my mom and I went in to listen and by the time it was done, it was time to eat again! The Lord is go good! Once I was able, I made a chai latte and drank it quite quickly...I guess I was hungry!

I had to pick through the bad lettuce, but was able to put together a decent salad that included romaine lettuce, chicken, Parmesan cheese, and light chipotle dressing. Simple and delicious!

Afternoon Snack
I was lagging a bit by the afternoon so I made a cup of coffee and sipped on it while eating a cinnamon roll crunch bar. Seriously, the best pairing ever! Felt like I was eating a sinful pastry with my coffee. ☺

The chili nacho cheese puffs are becoming one of my favorite meals! I love to munch on them while drinking some, it takes the hunger away...and keeps it away for some time!

I did end up bringing my blender, so in my room I was able to blend up a peanut butter milkshake (using the peanut butter soft serve and blending it with water and ice). It was so perfect and hit the spot after a long day.

And what a long day it was! I am exhausted and cannot wait to put my head to my pillow...I hope you have a happy Wednesday!

PS...wasn't the sunset tonight just beautiful! sure was for me! Here is a picture of it...although it doesn't do it justice.


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