
Monday, January 13, 2014

12-week eight

I know I have been absent for a couple of has been so busy with my sister's wedding coming up! On Saturday, we went dress shopping and she found her dress! Under strict orders, I am not allowed to post anything to do with any of that day...but let me just say that she looks stunning and I can't wait to see her walk down the aisle in that will just have to wait and see!

Yesterday was all about designing her save the date cards and getting a wedding website up and running. Busy, busy, busy...but definitely fun. I am having a blast so far helping her out. It's been great and has brought us, as well as my mom, even closer.

But anyways, I am back and ready to go!

How is everyone doing on their 12-week transformation? I am struggling with my fleshly desires but am still trucking through! I hope you all still doing good as well! Remember why you are doing this program. For me, I need to get the weight loss aspect of it out of my mind and focus more on a healthy lifestyle (weight loss will just occur naturally). I will get there soon enough though. :)

I am back to my normal home routine (praise the Lord)! So this morning I got up and make a dark chocolate antioxidant shake.

Morning Snack
I was really hungry by the time my morning snack came around. But it was really busy at work, so time flew by. When I did get a chance, I made a chai latte, which held me over until lunch.

I didn't have a salad for lunch today! What!? I know, crazy, right? I did end up having whatever was in my fridge and freezer because I have not gone grocery shopping yet. I had some broccoli and a frozen pizza burger, so I cooked those up and drizzled some light chipotle dressing over all of it. Not the greatest meal to be honest, but definitely not bad.

Afternoon Snack
I am running after work today, so I ate my snack about an hour before I ran. I made myself a cup of coffee and snacked on some brown sugar cereal crunch. Yummy pairing!

I did my same old run today...which consists of 2.18 miles. It felt good getting back out there tonight. I haven't run for a week and I definitely felt the pain as I was going...but...I did keep going despite my flesh wanting to stop and walk. I tried taking a smiling picture...but they just weren't coming out now you get to see a funny weird one of me! ;) (it was taken right after I got back...just fyi).

I made a quick java chip frappuccino (chocolate chip soft bake packet blended with instant coffee, water, and ice) before church. This week my church (Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa) is having a week of prayer. If you can, come on out! It is from 7pm to about 8:30pm every night this week!

When I got home from church, I snacked on a strawberry crunch bar and called it a night. Working out and then going to church made me all sleepy. But that's okay...I like sleep.

That's all for today. Until tomorrow!


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