
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

12-week ten

Let's just say that this morning was pretty much the worst morning I have had in a while. You ever have those days when everything seems to be going wrong? Yeah, well...that was me.

To start of the day, I made a dark chocolate shake and when I went to take it out of the fridge, I dropped it and apparently the lid wasn't on all the way and my shake went everywhere. I mean, everywhere. I thought about taking a picture, but I was just so in awe of the mess I had to clean up that I just grabbed a towel and go to work. But just picture the entire inside of a fridge covered in a dark chocolate shake. Not fun.

So, it took me a good 15 minutes to clean everything up. But I had to still get dripping in sweat, I rushed to dry off, put on some makeup and get dressed. Oh...and make another shake. Then while putting on makeup, my blush ran out! Not a huge deal, but it is when your morning isn't going so well.

And to put the cherry on top of it all, I came into work and was feeling sick all morning. Stomach was killing me. So yeah, not the best start to the day.

But I did learn something...I learned why people (not just kids) cry over spilled milk (or shakes)! Why? Well, because it goes everywhere...that's why. ;) 

As I mentioned before, I first made a dark chocolate shake, but since I dropped it, I remade my shake, but used a mocha packet instead.

Morning Snack
Right after drinking my mocha shake, I had a really bad stomach ache and it continued all the way until it was time for my morning snack. I almost didn't even want it, but then a warm drink sounded pretty appetizing and a chai latte it was!

I was feeling better by lunch and decided to make a protein-style turkey burger with a side of broccoli.

Afternoon Snack
Still going strong with having a better day, I had some mixed berry cereal crunch for my snack. It cheered me up a bit...I love cereal!

As I have been mentioning these past few days, our church is having a week of prayer. So before I attended tonight's service I ate a smores crunch bar.

As the night's before, I was fairly hungry by the time my last meal of the day came around. I got home and made a coffee milkshake and then headed off to bed...I was eager to end today and see what tomorrow holds for me.

Hope you all have a better day than I did! ;)

Aren't these cats the cutest! Love them! :)


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