
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

day's my grandma's birthday!

It was my grandma's birthday today! The picture above is of me, my grandma, and my mom (taken last year)...three generations!

My grandma is the best grandma ever...seriously. She is also like a second mom to me. I love her dearly. I went out to lunch today with her, along with my brother and my grandpa, to celebrate her special day of birth. It was just a sweet time of fellowship and catching up. She lives nearby, so it's always nice to get together whenever possible.

I hope you have a very blessed birthday, Grandma! Love you! xoxo

Same old breakfast this morning...eggnog shake. I know I get pretty repetitive with my foods, but hey, when you like something, why change it?

Morning Snack
I had a chocolate chip cookie dough chewy bar this morning, and I paired it with some coffee so I could dip it in there. The hot coffee melts the chocolate a little bit creating this delicious holiday-like treat!

As I mentioned earlier, I went out to lunch today for my grandma's birthday. Well, one of her favorite places to eat is called The Habit. So, I looked up the menu online beforehand and found out what I was going to order before I even got there. Looking at the menu too long at a restaurant always causes me problems. So, with that said, I ordered a ceasar salad (with no croutons and dressing) and added some tri-tip to it. The meat was so tender and juicy, there was absolutely no need for dressing.

...and here is a quick snapshot of my grandparents. Aren't they the cutest? ;)

Afternoon Snack
Steak usually tends to keep me quite full, but I was fairly hungry by the time the next snack time came around. I stuck to something simple and drank a chai latte. Sort of helped to settle and digest all that meat I had.

I was out and about during dinner, so I just snacked on some brown sugar cinnamon cereal crunch. Have you noticed how crowded it is out there?! There are people everywhere you go! I only went to Target and Trader Joe's and it took me well over an hour and a half to get my shopping done! So crazy.

Once I finally did make it home, it was time to go to church. After church I made some mini brownie bites using the brownie soft bake and called it quits for the night. I was exhausted. PS...these brownie bites were amazing! I will post the recipe soon. :)

I hope you have some fun while doing your shopping this weekend. Remember to keep a smile on your face at all will only soften those who are upset and frustrated. Just simply smile! :D

Once again, happy birthday to my dear you!


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