
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

day forty-eight...freeing saeed

I mentioned this earlier, but the church is raising awareness today to save Saeed Abedini who has been in an Iranian prison for over 300 days. The photo above is of him and his family.

Pastor Saeed is an American Pastor who is serving an 8 year sentence in one of Iran's toughest prisons simply for sharing his Christian faith. Join us as we petition the international community to demand the release of this innocent man.

Sign the petition and raise awareness by visiting this site:

I woke and realized that we had an all staff meeting this morning right at 8am. It's funny because last month (we have it once a month) I just drank my shake afterwards because I was too shy to bring it in with me...not today! I am getting used to my new lifestyle and am less self-conscious about what I eat and when I eat it. The Lord has definitely helped me gain more confidence. So this morning I made a mocha shake and I also added a packet of Starbucks via...and I brought it with me to drink during the staff devotion.

Morning Snack
I was surprisingly not all that hungry for my morning snack, but of course I still had one. ;) I ended up snacking on some mixed berry cereal crunch.

Shocker...I ate a salad for lunch. I love them though! I made a romaine salad and topped it with a chili lime chicken burger, shredded parmesan cheese, and a drizzle of light chipotle ranch dressing. Yum!

Afternoon Snack
For my snack, I made a blueberry soft bake...but I cooked it in a cup so it looked pretty identical to a blueberry muffin.

Dinner was a quick and easy one. I made a peanut butter milkshake and drank it right before I had to leave for church. I was a little worried I would have to go to the bathroom in the middle of the service, but I made it all the way through...whew.

I chatted with some friends after church and around 9:15 I headed home to eat my last meal of the day. I chopped up a chocolate crunch bar before church just in case I had to eat it at church, but I made it out on time and was able to eat it at home.

Please remember to pray for Saeed and his beautiful family. We all know that the Lord works everything out for good, but it's still tough going through the "before" part...before the "good" comes out of the situation.

Once is the link to sign the petition to free Saeed.


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