
Friday, December 13, 2013

day fifty-seven...month two update

Hi friends! Can you believe that it has already been two months!? I mean, where has the time gone? It's flown by, that's for sure.

The reason for my quote above is because I was so concerned about my weigh-in this morning and what would happen...what if I gained? But you know what? Instead of worrying about it, I should be excited to see how my hard work has paid off! :D Future notes to myself.

I have to tell you, that I am the happiest I have been in a long time. I know that I am not at my goal weight yet, but I feel so much better and am even more confident when speaking with people. The shy girl who stood in a corner is gone...hopefully for good. :)

But anyways, let's move on to what I ate today so you can see my updated photos and measurements!

It's Friday, so it is going to be a fun eats day. With that being said, I made myself an eggnog shake this morning. This has got to be my favorite simply mixing the vanilla shake with some eggnog capella drops, I can create the drink of my holiday dreams.

Morning Snack
I just love the hot drinks in the morning. I am so happy I ordered enough to have one every day. At first I liked the calorie burn cappuccino better, but now I am leaning towards the chai latte. I don't know...they are both so good! But today, I had the calorie burn cappuccino and loved every sip!

I got a little creative for lunch today! It's Friday, so why not? I made cilantro-lime cauliflower rice and topped it with some chicken and light shredded cheese. So stinkin' good! The lime totally compliments the cauliflower. I will be posting the recipe for the rice soon!

Afternoon Snack
Keeping up with the favorites for today, I had some brown sugar cinnamon cereal crunch while sipping on some coffee as well.

For dinner, I made something new again. I guess I was just in the mood to try out some new recipes. I made a pumpkin pie custard. And yes, it is as amazingly delicious as it sounds...and then some. So good! Definitely a holiday favorite. I will be posting the recipe for this as well fairly soon.

I sort of wanted a chai latte for dessert rather than a crunch bar, so I made one and brought it with me to church. It was perfect because I put it in a red holiday Starbucks cup and I was able to drink it without anybody wondering what it was. ;)

Okay...the moment you are all waiting for...the updates! Well, for starters, I only lost one pound this week, but considering all that has happened with me being sick, etc. I count that as a victory. And let's be real...I am still going down on the scale and have not gained, so double victory. I am excited to see what 2014 has in store for me!

Click here to see my starting pictures
Click here to see my month one update pictures

...and here are my month two update pictures...

weight: 141.6 (-8.6 pounds)...I only lost 1 pound however from last week's weigh in
total lost: 24.6

biceps: 12" (-.5") 
total lost: 1.25"

forearm: 9.6" (-.4") 
total lost: .9"

chest: 35" (-2") 
total lost: 5"

waist: 29" (-1") 
total lost: 5.5"

hips: 36.5" (-2.25") 
total lost: 4.5"

bottom: 39.5" (-1.5") 
total lost: 3.75"

thigh: 23.4" (-1.1") 
total lost: 2.85"

knee: 16.5" (-.5) 
total lost: .75"

calf: 15.2" (-.8) 
total lost: 1.3

neck: 12.5" (-.25") 
total lost: .25"

Total inches lost this past month: 10.3" 
Total inches lost overall: 26.05"

I am over the's amazing how much your body changes day by day. Even though I don't see it, my body is slowly making progress. I hope this encourages you somehow today. I mean, I am a living example that if you stick to this program, you will lose weight and inches.

Please keep me in prayer for this next month and that I would stay on plan and be able to encourage and help others around me. Also, if you ever have any questions, feel free to contact me at would be more than happy to help!


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