
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

day fifty-five...when you're at your lowest

I am sick...still. Most of my friends have come down with a cold this past week and I thought I was the lucky one who surpassed getting sick. I was wrong.

So anyways, I woke up this morning with a sore throat and just felt like my face was going to explode. I have to tell you since I couldn't last night, but as I was getting in my car yesterday morning, I turned KWVE on and Pastor Chuck Smith was teaching. It was too funny because as soon as I turned on the radio, Pastor Chuck was saying something to this effect: "Let's say you are not feeling well. Watch out because that is when the Enemy attacks. It is when we are at our lowest that he comes in and pounces." Well, there you have it...I better be in the Word today!

Nothing new to report for breakfast...except for the fact that is was a chilly 39 degrees! I am a wimpy Californian, I know. Once I did manage to leave my warm and cozy bed, I started to get ready and made a mocha shake and enhanced it even more by adding instant coffee to it.

Morning Snack
My new shipment of Medifast came in yesterday! I opened it up right away and decided to sip on a calorie burn cappuccino (which I ran out of a few days ago) for my morning snack. I was going to make a cup of coffee anyways, so why not just make it one of my meals. And although it was beyond divine, I did end up burning my tongue with the first that wasn't very fun.

I also got this sweet stack of recipe cards that are all holiday themed! I love it and cannot wait to try some of them!

Back to the same old meal for lunch. I made a salad topped with a chili lime chicken burger and shredded Parmesan cheese as well as a drizzle of light chipotle ranch dressing. Simple but delicious.

I also paired my salad with a diet ginger ale...I needed a little splurge today.

Afternoon Snack
My stomach was rumbling by the time my next meal time came around. I ended up snacking on some brown sugar cinnamon cereal crunch for about 20 minutes. These not only fill you up buy they last a while too!

Oh...and I had another cup of coffee with the's just one of those days. Isn't the white Christmas tree pretty! It's up in our office area and I love walking by it every time I use the restroom or walk to the kitchen.

I was in the mood for some cheesy goodness tonight. So I whipped up a batch of macaroni and cheese and added a small pinch of shredded Parmesan cheese to thicken it up and give it a touch more flavor. The mac and cheese is pretty good when I add just the smallest thing to it. The picture looks fairly appetizing, right?! I think it looks a tad better than my other mac and cheese photos. :P

Cut up a smores crunch bar to munch on after church tonight. I stayed for a while talking so it was a perfect "pop in your mouth" treat. No one noticed or at least cared (I think), which is a double bonus!

So, I will admit that I have had better days, but the Lord is still on the throne, so I have nothing to complain about...although I do admit to complaining several times today. I am praying that the Lord would change my heart and help me to be thankful in all things...the good and the bad.


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