
Friday, November 15, 2013

day twenty-nine...month one update

Don't you just love winter? I know I do. I love the rain and clouds and the chill you feel when you step outside. Love it! I saw the sky this morning and smiled because it looks like it just may rain. But this is Southern California we are talking about, so it will most likely pass right over us.

It has already been one month since starting medifast! Wow...time flies by! Well, this is it, the one month update on my weight, measurements, and pictures! But I will get to all that at the end of the post. First, let's talk about what I ate.

I opened up my new shipment of Medifast foods and tried out the french vanilla shake. Oh. My. Goodness. This tasted like a liquid cupcake. So good! I am bummed I didn't get it before. But hey, I am still trying everything and figuring out what I like and don't like. This vanilla shake is definitely getting 5 stars in my book.

Morning Snack
It is a morning of firsts. For my morning snack I tried out the chai tea. This was delicious as well. I used to love the calorie-laden and creamy chai tea lattes and this is such a great alternative! It is a tad more spicy than I like, but it's still very good.

I was feeling adventurous today for lunch. I decided to make an asparagus frittata. And guess what? It is only 3 ingredients! Click here for the recipe. Besides being crazy filling, it was a perfect treat for the wintery weather we are (finally) having.

Afternoon Snack
In celebration of completing one month, I decided to eat my favorite Medifast foods today. With that said, I had the s'mores crunch bar which is just so yummy and satisfying! I actually ate a few bites before I realized I didn't take a picture! I just couldn't wait to dig in. ;)

A little while later I had a an unsweetened iced venti Passion Tea from Starbucks. I haven't had one of these in quite some time, so it was a delicious Friday treat. Thanks for bringing me this, Kiera! You are the best!

Continuing with the "eat my favorite foods" day I had the brown sugar cereal crunch for my dinner. I cannot tell you enough how much I like this snack. Such a great "crunchy" and sweet snack.

To end the night, I had a mocha soft served turned milkshake. Great end to a great day. the part of the post you are all wondering about. How did I do in the first month? Well, let me tell and show you...

weight: 150.2 (-16 pounds)
biceps: 12.5" (-.75")
forearm: 10" (-.5")
chest: 37" (-3")
waist: 30" (-4.5")
hips: 38.75" (-2.25")
bottom: 41" (-2.25")
thigh: 24.5" (-1.75")
knee: 17" (-.25)
calf: 16" (-.5)
neck: 12.75" (same)
Total inches lost: 15.75"

I would say that is pretty good...wouldn't you? You can click here to see my original measurements and starting photos.

...and here is my one month photo...

That's all I have for today, but I hope this encourages some of you! Thank you for following me this past month and for all your support and prayers! I hope you stick around for month two! :)


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