
Saturday, November 16, 2013

day thirty...the dancing queen

Today was so much fun. It was one of the best days I have had in a really long time. But I will get to that in a minutes...first, let's talk about the eats for the day.

I slept in until 9am and then made myself a strawberry shake. I don't know what I was thinking it would taste like, but it was rather good. It tasted a bit bland at first, but the flavor really kicked in by the second and third sip.

By the time lunch came around (it was too late for a morning snack) I was out and about buying groceries for a little get together I was having with my friends later in the evening. Instead of buying some groceries to make a new recipe or a salad, I decided to just go out and buy a salad from Chipotle. I have been on Medifast for a month, so I thought it was a good test for me. So, I walked into Chipotle, ordered a salad with chicken, a tiny scoop of fajita veggies, and topped it all off with pico de gallo. It was delicious! And you can't beat it for only $6.75. The next time you find yourself on the road, don't cave into the fast food restaurants. Instead, look for a Chipotle and grab a salad from won't regret it.

Afternoon Snack #1
After lunch I threw the pork in the crockpot (I made bbq pulled pork sandwiches), and prepped the apple pie. Before I moved on to cleaning the house, I ate my first snack of the afternoon...nacho chili puffs. My goodness...these are so good! As you remember, I am not a fan of the parmesan puffs, but these are a different story. For some reason the flavor of these reminded me of eating a bean burrito from Taco Bell. Pro or con? I don't can decide for yourself.

Afternoon Snack #2
After finishing my first snack, I got right back to work and started cleaning up the house. The owners of the home I am housesitting are returning tomorrow, so I wanted the house to be all clean for them. No one likes to come home from a trip to a dirty house. So after cleaning for a couple hours, I made my second snack and started to get ready for a wedding reception taking place in only an hour. I had to eat quickly, get ready, and head off. In my hurried state, I made some mini pancake cakes. Basically a pancake mug muffin cut into four pieces. Delish!

I wasn't able to snap a picture of my dinner, because I had to eat it during the reception. It was good though! I was able to talk to the people at my table about the Medifast program. As usual people seem skeptical (hey, I was at first), but once I explain it, they understand and some are even interested. Oh! And in case you were wondering, I had the lemon meringue crunch bar. This is basically a dessert in a bar. So good!

After coming home from the reception, it was time for my friends to start arriving! I finished up dinner and got everything prepared. While they ate, I heated up some water in a kettle and made a calorie burn cappuccino. I knew it would be a long night, so I figured the caffeine was perfect. Plus, it kept me full for the remainder of the time I was awake.

Now you may be wondering why I titled this post "The Dancing Queen (or King)"...well, one of the couples who came over brought over this dancing game using the xbox connect. It was so stinkin' fun! You are jumping around trying to mirror the dance moves...and the best part of all, you are burning calories. My friend Kiera snapped a few shots of me (on the left) in action with Summer. Summer was the dancing queen and her husband was probably the dancing king...they were pros. Sorry for the blurry pictures, but we were moving and dancing the night away! Literally though...we played this game and another game after that for a good 2-3 hours.

I hope your Saturday was as fun as mine!


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