
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

day thirty-four...I heard it through the grapevine

I was listening to a Bible study taught by Abraham de Alba the other night while running and he started talking about grapevines and brought up some really good points that I thought I would share with you.

When you look at a single grapevine, you will notice that all the branches are twisted and wrapping around each other. That is how our Christian lives are supposed to be...we are to be twisted and tangled with Jesus. He needs to be in every aspect of our lives.

Grapevines are also tangled together with other grapevines. A grapevine does not stand has other grapevines on either side of it. This is how we are to be with unity. You don't want a church to be divided, but rather having the body of Christ joined together, working together to glorify God.

The same analogy can even be applied to the Medifast program or any other health program for that matter. You cannot stand alone. You just can't. You need the Lord and other people on either side of you, encouraging and working with you to reach your goals. A grapevine that is alone will not bear fruit. Don't be that lone grapevine...grab hold of those around you and hang on tight!

So anyways, that is my little encouragement to you all today. Hope it blesses you as much as it did me.

For breakfast I whipped together a mocha shake with a few drops of the capella coconut flavored drops. So really, I had a mocha coconut shake. Delish!

Morning Snack
I had some work errands to run so I made my chocolate chip soft bake in a disposable cup rather than the tray. I had no issues...worked like a charm. However, I do prefer the tray over the cup.

Yep, you guessed it...I had another salad today. Today I had the chili lime chicken burger on a bed of romaine lettuce with some light Italian dressing. Hey...if it's good, why mess with it? :D

Afternoon Snack
I tried something new today for my afternoon snack...the mixed berry cereal crunch. I was skeptical about these, but they were not bad! The taste is very similar to froot loops. I love cereal, so this is a perfect alternative for me.

I can't drink water or shakes right before church, so I had a simple lemon meringue bar for my dinner. Don't judge...I took the picture in my car while my defense, I was at a stop light. ;)

These bars are filling! I mean, they look so small (and they are), but I am always full after eating one. Love that full feeling.

It started raining as we were walking out of church!!! I love the rain and just want it to pour! Bring on the rain!!! Can you see that the leaves are wet...the shininess on them is from rain. :D

After church was over, we came straight home and I made myself a peanut butter milkshake. For some reason I just love ice cream and other cold desserts when it is raining. I don't know why...I just do. I tried to capture the rain falling outside, but I obviously failed. At least you can see the wet pavement...or can you?

I pray you have a blessed day! Remember...don't be a lone grapevine! Grab a friend and get working together. :) 


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