
Saturday, November 30, 2013

day forty-four...take my life, take all that I am

Today I want to keep it short and sweet. I went to church tonight and the worship leader sang a song that really spoke to me. Here is the youtube video which subtitles the is called "Like an Avalanche" by Hillsong United.

Powerful words, right? I encourage you to make that your prayer today..."Take my life, take all that I am, with all that I am, I will love you. Take my heart, take all that I have, Jesus how I adore you."

My lovely cats decided to wake me up around 5am this morning, but I was able to get back to bed and sleep in until 10. Sleep is a wonderful thing. Once I woke up, I made myself a dark chocolate shake.

Morning Snack
After I drank breakfast and read my Bible, I started to clean the kitchen and the kitchen floor. In the middle of my cleaning, it was time to eat my morning snack...or really an afternoon snack. Instead of having my lean and green meal (since it was lunchtime) I decided to have the honey mustard pretzel bites so I could easily stick one in my mouth while continuing to clean.

After I finished cleaning, I headed over to Trader Joe's and did a little food shopping for the week. I bought some lettuce, shredded Parmesan cheese, and chicken burgers, as well as some probiotic pills. Once I got back home, I made a salad with romaine lettuce, a pizza burger, shredded Parmesan cheese, and light chipotle ranch dressing. Delish!

Afternoon Snack
A few hours later, I made myself a calorie-burn cappuccino. Instead of mixing it with water, I tried mixing it with black coffee. I have no idea why I haven't been doing this the whole time. The cappuccino was so good! I will be probably be doing this all the time now. Maybe I will try it with the chai latte...or add some espresso shots to it.

A little while later, I went to church and wasn't able to eat until after. I was a tad past three hours, but by only about 15 minutes. Saturday nights at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa are so amazing. If you ever have time on a Saturday night, I highly encourage you to come. I wasn't going to come tonight actually, but the Lord put it on my heart to go and I am so happy I listened to Him. Click here to listen or watch past messages. After the study I drove home and while waiting for a parking spot, I snacked on a s'mores crunch bar (thankfully I packed it in my purse).

I was up for a while, so when it was time to eat dessert, I was kind of hungry and thankful I had one more meal to eat. I sipped on a coffee milkshake and then called it a night. I just love these milkshakes and can't get enough of them. Really feels like you are "being bad".

Oh and a little side may have noticed that I didn't post a weight update yesterday, and well, that is because I didn't bring my scale with me on the road trip. So...I will just wait until next Friday to weigh myself and update you all.

My kitties also say hello and goodnight!


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