
Friday, November 1, 2013

day fifteen...week two weigh in

Today was pretty slow and uneventful. I started out the day by weighing myself right after I woke up... and guess what?! I lost another 4.2 pounds! So crazy to think I am losing weight by eating pancakes and chocolate. So this brings my total weight lost to 11.6 pounds. It has only been two weeks and I have already lost 11 and 1/2 pounds! This program is beyond convinced yet? Well, hopefully I will have you convinced in a few more weeks after I have lost even more weight.

I have also decided to do monthly photos and measurement check in's rather than weekly or biweekly. So in two more weeks I will be updating you all on how I look...unless you see me at church or work or something...then you already know. ;)

I started off the morning with a nice hot cup of Medifast calorie burn cappuccino. I used a milk frother to mix the powder and water, and it turned out creamy and smooth—no chunks. Yay!

Morning Snack
So...I tried something new again with the oatmeal. Instead of cookies, I made a muffin. It was so easy too. I simply added 1/4 cup of water and mixed it in a mug. I then microwaved it for 1 minute and 30 seconds. After that I took the muffin out of the mug and flipped it and microwaved it yet again for another 30 seconds to dry it out a bit. It was so good! I am excited to see what else I can do. :)

Lunch was amazing. All I did was toss some fresh green beans with a little bit of olive oil and seasonings and bake them for about 25 minutes. And on the side I had some meatballs. Such a perfect and balanced meal...not to mention delicious.

Medifast Lean and Green Breakdown:
lean: 6 meatballs
green: 1 1/2 cups of green beans
healthy fat: 1 teaspoon of olive oil

Afternoon Snack
Lunch kept me fairly full, but I was pretty excited for my afternoon snack. I had some brown sugar cereal. This is one of my favorites. Even before I went on the Medifast program I loved to eat cereal (most of the time I would binge on it), so this snack is perfect for me.

It's weird to call a snack "dinner", but oh is what it is. So for dinner I had a peanut butter crunch bar. Another one of my favorites. It actually tastes like an old protein bar I used to eat back in the binging days...but this one is way better for me...and honestly tastes better too.

To end the day, I had a chocolate chip cookie soft bake. Now that I look back on my day, it was full of sweet foods...hmmmm...oh well. Tomorrow is a new day full of different foods. I microwaved the soft bake in a larger bowl just for fun...made a bigger, yet flatter cookie, which I liked. I know the picture makes it look kinda gross, but I promise you it was delicious!

Well, that is it for today. Just remember to hold fast to the Word of God and don't lose hope when things look grim...God is always in control!


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