
Friday, October 18, 2013

day goes nothing

So I did great today! Had very little hunger pangs throughout the whole day! I was surprised at first. I thought I would be starving, but the medifast meals hold me over.

I eat about every 2 hours, so my body is constantly going and my metabolism is up. I can't wait to see how I feel 2 weeks from now.

Now, I totally forgot to take pictures of everything I ate today, so I stole pictures from other people. It's the same exact thing I ate, I just didn't capture the moment.

So here was my menu for the day! Oh, and my starting stats and starting picture (so embarrassing) are below!

Breakfast: Antioxidant Dark Chocolate Shake

photo cred: medifast
I added a bit of ice and blended it...I like my shakes on the cold side.

Mid-Morning Snack: Brown Sugar Cereal Crunch

photo cred: medifast
I love cereal, so this stuff hit the spot and was delicious! Kind of tasted like french toast.

Lunch: Turkey salad (ground turkey, lettuce, and kale)

okay, so this is my one "lean and green" meal I get once a day...I think I put too much meat in my salad though :/

Afternoon Snack: S'mores Crunch Bar

photo cred: medifast
I know this photo shows 2 bars, but I only had one ;)

Dinner: Parmesan Cheese Puffs

photo cred: medifast
So I wasn't the biggest fan of these. They sounded really good, but just didn't live up to the name.

Evening Snack: Peanut Butter Soft Serve

photo cred: medifast
just when I thought I would get dessert...this stuff is so amazing. I am a ice cream, frozen yogurt loving girl and this just hit the spot. Great way to end my day.

I am pretty embarrased with myself as I write this, but hey, you got to start somewhere, right? Let's just say that I will never see that number on the scale again or look in the mirror and see that girl again. Now, let's get are my starting stats!

weight: 166.2
biceps: 13.25"
forearm: 10.5"
chest: 40"
waist: 34.5"
hips: 41"
bottom: 43.25"
thigh: 26.25"
knee: 17.25
calf: 16.5"
neck: 12.75"

...and here is my starting photo...

So there you have it. day one complete! til tomorrow!


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