
Saturday, October 26, 2013

day nine...what's your reward?

Today was the day of the men's conference. Yes, I am a girl who went to a men's conference, but I am going for work. This was actually my 12th men's conference. But I like it, keeps me busy and on my feet—aka...I am burning calories all day long. Can't go wrong with that!

As far as my eating goes, I did very well! All glory to the Lord! But, I will admit it wasn't easy. In years past, men's conferences were always a day full of eating—before, during, and especially after. At the end of the day we would all usually pack up and then go to a restaurant and eat our little hearts out. It was my way of rewarding myself for working such a hard day. I mean, I deserved it, right? Well, not today. My body does not deserve to be tortured by eating food that will harm it.

This year, I rewarded myself, but in a completely different way. No food was involved. Instead, I went home, took a nice hot bath, put on my comfy pj's and simply relaxed. So much better than gorging myself. I felt better and was relaxed at the same time. Win-win for me! But I will admit, it was hard to say no to dinner (especially when it was at my all-time favorite restaurant). Now, I could have gone and ordered a lean and green meal, but I don't think I am quite ready to venture out into the restaurant world. I would rather cook the food myself anyways—that way I know exactly what I am putting in my body. Most places serve healthy food, but load it with seasonings and salt.

With that is what I did eat today...

Breakfast: dark chocolate shake

So I woke up at 5am this morning and got ready to work the men's conference. Right before I left, I whipped up a shake and took it with me. Perfect on-the-go meal. I used the starbucks cup so I could just throw it away and not worry about bringing home my case you were wondering.

Morning Snack: calorie burn cappuccino

Love, love, love this drink. I had mixed feelings about it earlier, but I ended up liking it. I already have my next Medifast order in the cue and this is definitely on it. Plus, it lasts a while and keeps you full for quite some time.

Lunch: apple cinnamon muffins

Once again, I had to postpone my lean and green meal until I got home. So for lunch I had the same muffins I ate yesterday. They are way better than just the oatmeal in my opinion. I will probably be making these until I run out of oatmeal. :) And yes, this is the same picture from yesterday.

Afternoon Snack: cinnamon and brown sugar cereal crunch

This isn't the prettiest picture, I know and I am sorry. I literally took it while helping a customer. But a picture is a picture, right? Hopefully I can make up for it tomorrow. :)

Dinner: turkey salad...and a sugar-free monster

Well, back to the same old dinner. But that's okay. While everyone went out to eat, I stayed home and ate this. And while I was eating, I was thinking about how I would be feeling if I did go out and eat what my flesh wanted. I would have had momentary pleasure but then guilt would have set in for the rest of the night. It just is not worth it. I also had a sugar-free zero monster with my dinner. I kind of figured this was my "treat". I try not to have diet cokes and sugar free drinks, but on occasion I will. And today was an occasion for me.

I then went outside and saw this...

I was speechless. I love sunsets like these. I just felt like the Lord was saying, I'm the ruler of this world. I know all about you and what you are going through. You will make it through this time. Just hold fast to Me and My Word. That was all I needed to hear. God is with me. What more do I need?

Dessert: S'mores Crunch Bar

This bar was the perfect ending to a wonderful day. As you can tell, I had a little bit of fun with this picture. I think it's cute. who doesn't like a cute little bird on a bough? Plus, the s'mores bar is just too amazing not to have a bird. ;) I really like this bar and can see myself eating this everyday for the rest of my life. Just kidding...sort of.

I hope your day was as blessed as mine! Remember...rewarding yourself does not need to involve food. Go get a pedicure instead. ;)


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